Easter is certainly going to look different for all of us this year. I think it’s one we’ll always remember even though many of our days have blurred into one.
I cherish celebrations and even though my kids are still quite young, I’ll be going all out to make this one special for them.
I purchased Easter baskets at Homegoods before our quarantine started and they are the cutest things I’ve ever seen. Our baskets are only going to be filled with a book and a few eggs each, but the day will be filled with fun!
Though we won’t be venturing out to Church or dressing in our best for Easter brunch, we will still be worshipping via Zoom at home and dressing for selfies in our pastels. I plan on doing both an outdoor and indoor Easter egg hunt with empty eggs for the kids to collect in their baskets. M may or may not be walking by next weekend. We will see!
I saw on the news that a local photographer has been going to different clients homes and photographing families on their front lawns. All while social distancing, of course! Even though we can’t be together, we are experiencing a time in history that our kids are going to ask us about and I want to document. So I’m going to be photographing a few neighbors and their families while enjoying a little creativity and social interaction (at a distance!).
As always, Jesus Christ Superstar will be blasting in our home the week leading up to Easter. It’s been a favorite of mine since childhood.
And we’ll be reading lots of Easter Books and talking about Jesus!
Happy Holy Week Friends!
Have a great Easter!
We have a local candy store here so supporting them and sending Lucas, his roommate Jack and Claudia a little basket. (Hopefully they don’t see this
. I grew up listening to Jesus Christ Super star on our old old player piano I now have from my dad who would inherited from his mom and dad
Have a Happy Easter
Love that idea! So sweet!