Whelp, all my bragging about our ‘Austin gorgeous weather’ has finally come to an end. To my friends in Chicago, it’s your turn! I can no longer take the dogs down to Zilker or go on a walk without coming home dripping in sweat. It’s been in the mid 90s this week with wicked humidity and it’s only going to get hotter. Tear. We’ve reached Texas summer… and I better get ready. But let’s be real… is anyone ever really ready? The good news is that after these next few months, my favorite season of the year is here- Autumn. And you know how I feel about that…
I will be perfectly honest with you and mention I am failing my my New Year Resolutions with the exception of #3. That’s going really well, actually :) But for the others, I promise I’m STILL trying. I should probably create a swear jar. Something to hold me accountable. At least I’m better with time & place. But what I will tell you is that I’m making great headway with my Summer Goal list and I’m so stoked. Especially since summer doesn’t technically start until next week.
I’m feeling more focused than ever on my blog’s continuity and purpose. It will probably be more fashion heavy with little bits of advice and stories of travel and more. As I grow and evolve, the blog with transform with me. I’m excited to just keep at it every day and have fun with it! I’ve been really good about using my camera more. I love having photographer friends in the area. We’ve planned a day in June to break out our cameras and get creative and I’m learning so many fun tips! It does make a huge difference to take more pictures with my camera than my phone.
I had a goal to attend more blogging events and I’ve definitely been doing that! Baileys has started an Almond Liqueur and they sponsored a Barre Class & Happy Hour last week at Barre 3. I got to spend some time with blogger friends & sip delicious raspberry cocktails! And we got to take home a bottle of Baileys, barre gear and some fun products! Blog perks are definitely a plus :)
I set a goal to read ten books this summer and I’m already on my second book. I might be able to read even more. I can’t wait to share my reading list with you guys! I just signed up for a library card at the Austin Public Library and I’m so excited to get some FREE reading material! Why I didn’t do this before is beyond me (thank you for the suggestion, Betsy!)
This weekend we are heading to Port Aransas with our friends and I’m excited to post up on the beach and relax. I’ve never really been anywhere in Texas beside Austin so I’m excited to get out and explore! The following weekend will be our last quiet one for a while so we’ll be sure to embrace some down time.
What are your summer plans? Any fun trips?! And good books I should check out?!
As always, thank you for reading!
goals resolutions summer updates