A new year! It’s here!
It’s actually January 8th already and with our odd winter break schedule this year, it’s taken me an extra week to feel like I can hit refresh.
But I’m ready, I’m ready!
I thought a little bit about resolutions for 2024 but there are really just two things that I’d like to do. I want to learn how to use my grill so I can better myself as a cook and I want to really buckle down on self-care for my anxiety. When I think of these two things, I think I can narrow it down to this overall umbrella of wellness. I guess that’s why so many people are shifting to one word goals for the year. Mine is wellness!
I sat alone on my couch last night with a glass of wine, a big heavy blanket, and the fire going and read my book. I didn’t check social media. I didn’t make a huge to-do list for the week. And I didn’t stay up late or start spiraling about the chaos that is small children. I simply relaxed and then went to bed early. I enjoyed the quiet.
Man, the quiet!
When sweet Will was born, our kids actually had a great transition. I thought maybe we were in the clear and this whole 4 under 5 thing would be easy. But it took a few months for things to get crazy and now it’s toddler chaos, sibling fights, and endless energy that needs to be channeled effectively for us to survive. I love my kids and I love the sweetness of small people, but lately I feel like my life is that scene from Cheaper by the Dozen where one kid is skateboarding down the stairs and another is hanging from the chandeliers. Ha! If you stopped by for 30 minutes on any given weekend, I promise you’d see it too ;)
So. I’ve been a little more anxious lately. Things that have been helping:
-I now play tennis twice and week and it’s SO MUCH fun
-I reconnected with an old therapist!
-Lots of water intake and salad creations around here. ALWAYS makes me feel good.
-Getting outside. Especially with my kids. Fenced in parks on long weekends are my best friend
Other forms of wellness that make me happy: painting and cooking.
I have a feeling 2024 will be the year I spread my wings a little with my art. I LOVE painting ornaments so please send your requests my way. I also plan on sharing a few artists and galleries we love as well as a few pieces around our home that I think are really special. Art is just so uplifting and inspiring to me. So I think it’s going to be a bigger part of this little corner of the internet.
And this post is kind of turning into another Coffee Read so I’ll just go with it. A few more things I’m enjoying lately:
This top makes me happy! I’ll share it later this week styled with a skirt. Great every day top :)
This cookbook my friend gave me and this book I read recently and loved.
This lightening fast phone/usb charger. If you don’t have one, you need one.
Have you heard of Mignonne Gavigan? I am obsessed with their earrings.
This is the best candle. Hands down (besides Nest Holiday of course)
These adorable monogram bibs Will got for Christmas! They ship super fast too :)
This collared sweater has been a real cozy staple in my closet these last few weeks and I have it in 4 colors. On sale at Old Navy. I wear a medium!
Remember, I save and share all my outfit content over the the LTK app and my new IG/LTK handle is @megstyledstudio
It’s more fitting since I share mostly outfits and art.
There are new styles at Boden for all ages but I especially loved these choices for children. And right now you can snag them all for 15% off.
Here are the girls:
Here are the boys:
I just picked up a bunch of Valentine decor at Homegoods that I plan on putting up in the next week or so. Something to make the post-Christmas melancholy fade.
How are you feeling as we settle into January? Hopefully refreshed and recharged!
Cheers. And Happy New Year.