My baby boy is 6 months old. HOW! I am so emotional that my baby is growing up. He is perfect right now. Sleeping. Eating. Smiling all day long. Handling all the stickers on his face and rough play from his siblings. And just so friggin happy.
I am surprised by myself that I never shared a 6 month update with any of my other babies because I’m always so anxious to compare my schedules to previous babies. But Will seems to be the most flexible of them all. I know how helpful sharing baby updates can be so I thought I’d share a little of what we are doing at 6 months.
Ideal Schedule:
6:30/7am wake + 8 oz bottle
9-10:30 nap
10:30 8oz bottle
12:30 bottle (usually 4 oz if he polished off the previous one)
1-4pm nap
4pm 8oz bottle
6:30 pm bottle
7pm bed
On school days, Will gets woken up at 3pm to pick up siblings and often will take a 45 minute catnap at 5pm. But otherwise, he is pretty good at that afternoon nap! You’ll notice that we haven’t started solids. That’s our next project. I’m doing something different this go around called baby led weaning. I’m sure many of you have heard of it or implemented it with your own babies. It’s basically putting soft foods on their plate and letting them grab their foods and self-feed right off the bat instead of starting with pureés. But your baby needs to be sitting up to start this. I’m so determined to have a better food experience for Will since we had such a hard journey with Jack. I’ll report on IG stories how it goes!
It’s true that the 4th kid seems to be the easiest. I know he’ll grow up and get into everything like everyone else but right now, I’m doing my best to just relish this baby bliss and soak up all the special giggles and milestones.
Not related but our snuggy blanket is by Chappy Wrap and would make an excellent holiday gift! You can get them monogramed ;)
Cheers! I’m so excited to be posting on my blog again!