There are a few new baby products I’ve never used before that I am trying this go around that have been wonderful! I thought I’d share a few notes.
This has been a game changer for us. I have been strictly formula feeding and this makes bottle feeding so much easier, especially for those middle-of-the-night bottles. It’s basically like a kuerig for babies. The only “downside” (and I quote because I don’t think this is too much of a downside) is that you have to clean it often. But honestly, the cleaning process is easy and not a dealbreaker for me. This makes exact bottles for you and whatever temperature you like from room temp to warm or cold. It’s efficient and straightforward. And easy to use!
Wow. The Doona. How did I get by before the doona? A friend gave this to us and it makes traveling around with a baby so much easier. The carseat actually turns into a stroller so if you’re baby is asleep on the go, you can move them around without waking them! It’s easy to fold and unfold. This has moved to one of my top baby products ever.
Babymoov Anti-UV/ Mosquito Tent
This tent is everything! As a family who lives in Texas and spends a lot of time outside, this is a game changer for those muggy days backyard. I can put baby inside on a boppy with a fan and keep him cool and shaded but near me while I play with the big kids!
This is my favorite swaddle! And I’ve tried a LOT of swaddles! I feel like the velcro is strong on this one and really keeps those arms down. My little boys have loved it. A bit pricey for a swaddle but worth every penny for more sleep!
I’ve had baby gowns for all of my babies but didn’t use them until baby Will arrived. What have I been doing? These make those middle of the night diaper changes so much easier. You can just roll those jammies up and change baby without waking him! So many color/fabric options available.
I’m sure there are a few more products I’ll stumble upon with Will that I haven’t used before, but for now, these are my top finds for this newborn phase!