Our family caboose has arrived and we couldn’t be more smitten. Meet William! All 8 lbs 3 oz of my buttery soft baby boy we are calling Will. Wow, what a feeling to have our family complete. I’ve been filled with this deep sense of happiness, feeling so proud and grateful of this place in life where I’ve always felt meant-to-be.
This baby’s pregnancy threw me a lot of curveballs. I had consistent contractions so early into 3rd trimester that I was certain this baby would be born early. With the nation-wide nursing shortage + the ever growing population of Austin, there was no guarantee for an induction. When all family members are plane-flights away, well- it makes childcare planning a bit tricky. We had a scheduled induction plan but as it loomed closer, we couldn’t seem to get confirmation from the hospital and sure enough, the day came and went and my poor in-laws were here with us a whole week with no baby! I was even 4 cm dilated!
Trust me, I tried every wive’s tale in the book to induce labor. I ate dates and drank raspberry tea for weeks. I had eggplant parmesan and I walked and walked and walked. I sat on a pregnancy ball and I got foot massages. I broke out the breast pump and was able to pump several oz of colostrum. I even had 5 acupuncture appointments at week 39 with moxa smoking from my toes! (ha). 4 membrane sweeps didn’t do the trick either. This boy was comfy!
My mom came in down early after Eric’s parents left and just after I showed her the ropes of dropping kids off from school, we got a call from the hospital. “Hey Meg, do you want to have a baby today?” The best kind of phone call!
So on Thursday, May 4th, we had our boy! We kind of guessed that as soon as my water broke, he’d arrive not too long after. It turned out Will was sunny-side up which is why we think he wasn’t really descending on his own. Lucky for me, I only suffered a second degree tear and this delivery was NIGHT AND DAY from my last one. I can’t get over it. He was born at 3:28 in the afternoon and my recovery has been smooth sailing.
William is my biggest baby and the first to go past 40 weeks. We have been home 3 days now adjusting to life as a family of 6 and I’m just bursting at the seems in this happiness bubble. My kids are so smitten with him. Charlie begs to be a big helper and feed him and hold him and read with him. McKenna loves patting his head and Jack saids “bubba” (brother). It’s been so special.
I’m sure there will be some growing pains here and there as the kids adjust and Will wakes from the newborn fog. But for now, we’re soaking up every second.
Life is good. Really good. Praise God. What a blessing.