Coming at ya today with a very simple and delicious recipe for the whole family. After a feeding therapist suggested I try this for Jack, I decided to make some chocolate hummus at home. My boys were a harder sell but McKenna will eat this as is with a spoon! And I feel good because its BEANS! It’s a great one to pack for lunches or serve with a snack board. Here’s the recipe:
1 can cooked chickpeas, drained
4 tbs cocoa powder
1/3 cup maple syrup (add more for extra sweetness)
1/4 cup water
chocolate chips optional
Simply mix all these ingredients in a vitamix or high-powered blender. I love eating this hummus as is but you can dip fruits, crackers, etc into it or spread it on bread. If it doesn’t feel sweet enough, add a little more maple syrup! Some recipes suggested milk as well instead of water. This is a fun one to experiment with! I added 1/4 cup of sun butter to mine just to give it a little more salty flavor. I think it tastes more chocolatey without but it’s still yummy either way :) I sometimes add coconut flakes and that’s another delicious addition!
chocolate hummus recipe lunch ideas recipe for kids