Baby Jack,
You are ONE. This year has flown by and we both have grown so much. It feels like yesterday that we were bringing you home from the hospital and introducing you to your big brother and sister. They were smitten with you right off the bat but it did take a little time to adjust to a family of 5. I was so surprised when you popped out, this sweet tiny boy, who looked quite a bit like me.
I call you “Joyful Jack” because I’m not sure I’ve met a happier baby. We also call you “Jumping Jack” but we’ll get to that in a minute. Even with a high fever or a stomach bug, you always manage to smile and laugh. The only thing that frustrates you is not being fed fast enough or doing your eczema skincare routine because, who has time for that? You’re all about play!
Food that has any sort of texture is not your favorite unless it is in puree form, but boy do you get giddy when we approach you with a pouch. You love to bounce, whether it’s in our arms or in your jumparoo, and we’ve never seen a kid more entertained by a bouncer than you. If music is playing, you’re bouncing. If you’re excited, you’re bouncing. Jumping Jack.
You have the brightest blue eyes and soft blonde hair with a tinge of auburn. We can’t tell if you’ll have curly hair like your siblings or straight hair like your mama. Only time will tell.
You aren’t walking yet but you are EVERYwhere. You crawl super fast and are pulling yourself up and love to put yourself in downward dog. You love to rip paper and grab your siblings toys and I can’t say they love it too much. They like to shut their door to keep you out but you turn around and laugh and crawl fast towards me. You love to kiss me and try and bite with those new teeth just inching in. If you catch my eye across a room, you squeal with delight, and I can’t get enough of your handsome little flirting.
I needed you, Jack. We had a bit of trouble trying to have you but it was worth everything. Our rainbow baby.
I get excited when I hear your voice on the monitor in the morning and Daddy and I will rush to grab you. You’re so easy. Always happy and always a champion sleeper.
I can’t wait to watch you grow and become best friends with your siblings who have already found that bond. You’re my little trio: my group of chaos and fun and I love it. Happy Birthday Jacky Jackers!!! I love you so much!
Ohmygosh he is so cute, especially in that button up shirt!