I can’t believe my little buddy is 9 months old, sitting up, crawling, and laughing whenever his siblings give him a little extra attention. Where did the time go?
I love this age. Jack is so happy. He’s is moving around (although his crawl is still a bit of inch worming.) He loves things that crinkle and he loves flipping pages of his books. He’s slowly losing interest in the bouncer which makes me sad because he has loved the bouncer so much that we call him Jumping Jack. He loves being given open spaces and social interaction so it seems he is following suit with his siblings. No stranger danger. None of my kids have had that. Ha.
A family of extroverts.
Jack loooves puréed food but getting him to eat finger foods is very difficult.
I don’t remember ever having an issue with my others! He spits out anything that has texture and doesn’t pick things up and put them in his mouth just yet. I always give him a chance to try picking stuff up and then offer him pouches. He will sit in his high chair and just swipe stuff off the tray or into his lap but hasn’t attempted bringing anything to his mouth. It’s going to be an interesting journey!
I love having these posts as a reference for later on and I’m a little disappointed I didn’t document 9 months with the others! But I am going to make a note of his schedule here now that I can look at if we are lucky to have baby 4 in the next couple of years.
7am: wake + 8oz bottle
8am: 2-3 pouches + attempting finger food
10am: nap
11am: wake + 8oz bottle
12: finger foods
1-3pm: nap
3pm: offer 8oz bottle + finger foods
5pm: offer bottle one more time
7pm: bed!
Jack is now in a two day program with the other kids so his nap schedule is already changing. There are a lot of days where he takes just one nap from 11:30-2:30! This is my first child to be okay with one nap a day this young. Other days I try the 9:30/10am nap and then wake him an hour later so I can get him back down for nap with the others. Sometimes he is ready to sleep. Sometimes he isn’t! We are rolling through the changes right now!
Seeing the three of my kids interact and play with each other is the sweetest. They call him Jacky or Jackers and put toys around the room so he can crawl to them. They give him kisses on his forehead and roll with him on the ground. It makes me so happy to be cultivating these lifelong special friendships and foundation of family.