I love November. It’s the coziest month to me. There is excitement in the air with the holidays just around the corner and I have so many fond memories of school productions, turkey crafts, and the tail end of Fall.
I thought it would be fun to do a November bucket list with some fun activities for you and your kids! The seasonal changes are even more fun with children.
Decorate Turkey cookies from Trader Joe’s
Cook a cozy soup! (I’m making pumpkin)
Plan Holiday Card outfits & photos
Have a festive pajama movie night
Make Gratitude placemats! We do these by tracing little hands on paper and gluing cut out pieces from a magazine! We talk about all the things we are grateful for and write them down
Bake a pumpkin pie
Collect cans for a food drive
Do a puzzle
Go on a Nature Walk
Start checking off your Holiday shopping list
Have a cozy morning with a Nest Candle by the fire and make pumpkin pancakes
Participate in a Turkey Trot!
Happy Cozy Warm and Fuzzy November <3
november bucket list november checklist