1.| 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. | 6. | 7.| 8. | 9.| 10.| 11.| 12.
I am very excited about this gift guide for little boys because my own little boy LOVES Christmas and will probably be dressing up as Santa Clause for the foreseeable future. Literally his bedroom turns into “Santa’s Workshop” and he fills pillowcases with duplo blocks and other toys to be “Santa’s bag”. I’ve had so much fun experiencing all the excitement in life and in holidays through his eyes and each year just gets better.
Our kids love their balance bikes and I thought this dinosaur helmet would make a pretty cool present!
Charlie LIVES in this fire engine costume as you all probably know. We love costumes around here, no matter what time of year!
I feel like this tent and camping toys would ignite so many fun “pretend” campouts with friends. I know I would have looooved this tent as a kid.
A puzzle is always a great gift for stimulating a little brain, so long as you’re good about putting them up and away from your dogs who chew them (which I often fail at). We love a good puzzle and I thought this dinosaur one was fun.
How cute is this toy castle? This would create hours of play in our house daily.
I included a scooter in my gift guide last year and I still think it would be an awesome gift for any young kid!
My child LOVES holiday pajamas. I thought this print was simple and cute.
I included Tinkertots boxes in both my kid gift guides and that is because they are truly something my kids look forward to doing every month and are such an easy way to get creative without working too hard. Use code theautumngirl for 15% off!!
Magnatiles are some of our personal favorites! So many creative ways to use these!
I love the Positive Power stories and there are a few varieties! I am Smart, I am Helpful, I am Brave, I am Kind…. Each provides an opportunity for a discussion with your child and overall positive mindset! My kids and I love them!
I have gifted my own children and friends’ children this adorable personalized hat and it’s always a hit. Lots of fun fonts and styles… an affordable and special gift!
gift guide for little boys gift guide for toddlers