Can you all believe it’s almost August? Life lately has been very busy over here. Between shuffling kids to camps and activities, getting back into a work out routine, trying new artistic outlets, and keeping everybody a on fun and busy schedule, we’ve somehow flown through summer.
I’ve thought a lot about where I am right now in life and what makes me happy. Having 3 children under the age of 4 is definitely busy and free time is hard to come by, but I feel so full of joy. It’s hard to find time to myself but I really work hard at carving out just a few moments alone so I can continue my creative hobbies which really keep me afloat mentally. It’s not as frequent as I like but I’m sure when school is back in session and two of my three are out of the house, I’ll have a little more time to devote to me.
Eric recently asked me if I thought I’d be blogging in a few years. The truth is, even with the consistent changes among social media platforms making it harder to reach new people (or even my own tribe!), I’ve found that blogging is the best way to merge all of my interests and is truly my 4th baby. I love it. And while I no longer seek partnerships very often or make very much $ doing this, I love the community I’ve built, the people I connect with regularly, and sharing all the random things that make me happy and inspire many of you. The Autumn Girl has transformed over the years as I have become a mom and it still brings me so much joy just to browse my own site: a personal diary of years past.
Things have been more quiet around here because of life with 3 kids. I only want to share content I’m truly proud of and feel inspired to share and I’m also balancing how I devote that rare alone time. If it’s not blogging, it’s painting a champagne bottle, working out, or simple parking my butt on the couch to catch a breather. I have regular sitters but often I have them hang with baby Jack while I take the older ones on adventures.
I know many of you 100% get this because you’re in the same boat. Life with littles is a total rollercoaster of emotions but worth everything. But you know what else is? Time to yourself. I hope if there’s anything you take away from this blog, it’s that you can still be YOU even though you’re a mom. Whether you’re discovering new hobbies like I am, hiring a babysitter for date night or just so you can just get a moment to yourself, I want you to remember to give yourself a little grace and never forget who you were before kids! :)
Motherhood has changed me for the better. It has made me a more patient and confident person. It has given me a second chance to relive childhood. It’s given me a sisterhood I never knew I needed. And it has also made me realize how important it is to seek balance and take care of myself.
So yes, I will continue blogging. So long as it always is a source of inspiration and happiness for me.
(By the way, these photos were shot at Laguna Gloria where Eric and I took a little day date over the weekend! It’s $10 a person and Spread and Co is right there if you want to pack a picnic blanket and hang out!)