I’m 32 weeks pregnant! And wow, I’m really feeling it this time. I think being pregnant when you’ve got two littles is extra exhausting but it also goes by faster. A part of me feels like I’ve been pregnant forever and a part of me can’t believe we only have 8 weeks left until we meet our little one!
I had a check up today and everything is looking good! The first trimester of this pregnancy was very tough for me but since then, it’s been pretty smooth sailing. However, two days ago, as I sat in my backyard with a dull backache that got stronger and stronger, I knew what I was feeling were contractions. They were the exact same ones I felt when I began labor with Charlie but I kept reminding myself there was no way I could be in labor just yet. (Right?) But I had a scare at 30 weeks when I was pregnant with him so my alarm was up. Luckily the contractions subsided, but it wasn’t until 5 hours later as I was going to bed. After talking to my doctor, I realized I probably overexerted myself. Braxton hicks are no joke my friends! I’m glad I had an appointment this week and got checked!
When I was pregnant with both Charlie and McKenna, I exercised regularly. I walked a lot and went to barre class 3-4 times a week. I even did a barre class the day before I had M. Things haven’t been the same this time around. I just don’t have the energy and when I have free time, it’s dedicated to creativity. Ironically though, I’m still comfortable running. I can do about a mile and then it feels like a little hammer is inside me but it always feels cathartic to get my heart racing and listen to headphones. I get to do this probably every 3rd week so I may have just done my final run of this pregnancy. But I think the majority of my exercise comes from being on my feet all day and carrying toddlers anyway!
I truly have no idea if we are having a boy or a girl. And I can’t believe how much I’m enjoying not knowing. This pregnancy has been reminiscent of mine with McKenna except that I’m feeling a little bigger this time around. I have deep varicose veins on my legs that I’ve been happy to hide with leggings. When they’re exposed, Charlie will ask me “what happened Mommy?” They look like bruises all up my thighs. Luckily, I know from experience that they will fade right away post birth.
A lot of people love to predict baby gender based on how a woman carries. They say it’s high for girls and low for boys, right? I’m not really sure but I have carried the same through all my pregnancies which is somewhere right in the middle. So, no indication of gender there but it definitely makes guessing a little more fun!
This baby moves… a LOT. McKenna was also quite a mover but this one puts her to shame. I’ll have days where I feel like this baby is always rolling and I wonder if it will translate to a busy baby. Only time will tell!
We finally decided on our names the other day and it feels good! We’ve known our boy name from the beginning pretty much but we just settled on a girls name we love. I just can’t wait for that moment at the hospital when Eric will tell me it’s a boy or girl. I know there will be no experience quite like it.
8 more weeks, little one! We cannot wait to meet you.
32 weeks pregnant pregnancy update