Hello Friends! It’s been a while since I’ve hopped on here and shared! I just looked back and I’ve only posted 8 blog posts so far in 2021. To say it’s been an interesting year is a bit of an understatement. I already feel like so much change is coming to The Autumn Girl.
Many of you know we live in Texas and last week we had catastrophic storms that left a huge portion of the state without power during record low temperatures. We were the lucky ones who only lost power for 30 hours and came out relatively unscathed but we have many friends struggling with damage to their home. And currently, many are still without water. We are under a boil notice in the city of Austin which means we have to boil our water as treatment plants haven’t been able to compete with demand. It’s been just a tad stressful over here.
On top of that, parenting two toddlers is HARD. Routine has been hard to come by. School has been canceled here and there due to weather and covid exposures and we’re just trying to roll with it. At 32 weeks pregnant, my exhaustion and discomfort has greatly increased and I’m doing everything I can to maintain patience.
It’s not all bad though! With Spring just around the corner and more people getting vaccinated, I feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve transitioned a lot of my creativity into art this year. My window of time to do all the things I love doing has dwindled with no reliable naptime, but I’m making the most of the time I have. I’ve really channeled a lot of my stress into painting and it’s been totally therapeutic! I have a whole post coming soon with some of the things I’ve been working on and my plans for them! I can’t wait to show you.
But all the things I normally love writing about by like home decor, outfits, crafting with kids- it just isn’t inspiring me at the moment. I hope to get some inspiration soon and get back into my groove here. Also, I don’t think I’ve made a single interesting recipe yet this year, ha!
How crazy are the photos above? I had to document our pool freezing over and the icicles hanging from McKenna’s birthday balloons. Such a wild week and now we’re back in the 70s.
How are you all doing? Is this year going better for you than last? Are you feeling hopeful like I am?
One of my goals in the next couple of months is to get a little more help and break from my kids so I can have a better sense of balance in my life. It always ebbs and flows and lately I’ve been in the thick of parenting. Any day I can sneak in time for myself does wonders for my own mental health. So it’s totally necessary!
Thanks for sticking with me. I know a lot of you are regular readers and I appreciate your patience!! Hope you’re all staying well and keeping your heads held high. Xo