Yay! Valentine’s Day snack boards. The perfect way to celebrate V-Day with your tots (or friends!). Except maybe ditch the pretty platters for paper goods when it comes to your littles…
My Halloween snack board was a hit so I thought you all may enjoy these as well!
These snack boards are easy to make. They just require a little thought ahead of time. You can make these even more festive with more pink and red fruit including raspberries, watermelon, and even citrus! I found the cutest little heart shaped waffle maker and enjoyed using Jiffy Corn Muffin mix to create them. The kids will try things if they come in fun shapes :)
I cut up dried mangos into hearts and other fruits including apples and strawberries. There are lots of fun candy options in stores including pink and red M&Ms and heart shaped chocolates. My pink platter is For Pete’s Sake Pottery and my heart dishes and napkins are from Homegoods.
I love making each and every holiday extra special around here and I can’t wait to celebrate Valentine’s Day with my littles.
heart shaped snacks for kids valentine's day snackboard valentine's day snacks for kids