Better late than never. Fall color has made it’s way to Austin and this Autumn Girl is on cloud 9. There’s nothing quite like the sound of rustling leaves, cool afternoons, and the beautiful colors descending upon the trees. All while Christmas spirits are high and family filled days are ahead. Today I’m inspired to share my latest happiness list.
Baking holiday cookies.
Playdates at the park.
The excitement my 3 year old has for each and every single day, especially dressing up like Santa and preparing to “go to the North Pole”
Christmas wreaths and twinkling lights around town
Cozy cool mornings and warm afternoons
Waltzing down to the mailbox every day to check for Christmas cards :)
Salted caramel smoothies
8:30 bedtimes
Having a fireplace this year and hanging our stockings above it
All the festive houses in our neighborhood
Comfy sneakers, cozy sweaters, and leggings
My baby kicking just as much as McKenna did in the womb. All day, all night!
Holiday music dance parties
Nest Holiday Candles
Embracing and soaking up this season of life with my family
Parka is on MAJOR sale right now. Highly highly recommend. Also, spanx maternity leggings are a dream!
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