If there is anything I’ve learned in 2020, it’s that we’re never really in control. Sometimes life throws us curveballs and we have to figure out how to keep our heads held high and keep moving forward with our new circumstances. There is no guarantee of tomorrow so we have to make the best of today.
There have been all sorts of highs and lows this year. Between covid and quarantine to losing two pregnancies, my family has certainly had its stress. Lately, I’ve felt the mom guilt a little more heavily as my patience has dwindled and my stress has increased. This week didn’t start off on the right foot either with a variety of homeownership issues but I keep taking deep breaths and putting all my effort into focusing on the positives.
There are SO many opinions out there right now and it can be easy to feel like you’re doing something people don’t agree with. I’ve found it’s really important for me to disconnect, get outside, stay in my own lane, and remember that I am doing the best I can for my family.
Have you ever heard that quote by Charles Swindol, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it” Or the one by Maya Angelou, “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude”… ?
I am really trying to keep these reminders about attitude at the forefront of my mind these days and remember the only person I can control is myself! Little tiny humans are watching my every move and soaking up my reactions to everything.
I’m not sure if you need a little happiness list booster, but I sure do. As I’ve said many times before, counting your blessings is a wonderful way to pick yourself up. And even the smallest of moments can be a game changer. So here we go, a few things keeping me happy and positive right now ;)
McKenna sitting in her high chair or climbing into something and saying, “I stuck”…
Charlie’s delight at seeing airplanes, fire engines, cranes, and allll the automobile things
Face masks
First sip of that morning coffee
Curling up in pajamas after a long day and going to bed early with a book
A fixed computer ;)
All the pretty trees in my neighborhood
The scent of my latest Nest Candle wafting in our kitchen
Baby ponytails
All the turtles down by the trail
Daily walks or runs
Fall, just under two months away! ;)
Ginger jars
Designing our house!
Reading to the kids before bed and snuggling under one big blanket
Trader Joe’s Sweet Potato Gnocci
Our Motivation Challenge keeping me in check this month
Here’s to keeping our heads held high as we approach our continued unknown and unpredictable circumstances as we move into fall. What’s keeping you going these days?
amazon fashion blue and white midi dress staying positive