alsdkfjdljfkds I wasn’t sure how to start this post. I have SO many thoughts on weight management, exercise, health… At the beginning of quarantine, Eric and I were eating and drinking like it was going out of style! Then we decided to commit to a weight loss program while we had no excuses like travel or getting together with friends to get us off track.
I’ll start by saying I’m proud of my body for having two babies but sometimes a gal just wants to shed some LBs and not be told not to worry about it or that she doesn’t need to!
I will also preface this by saying I’m not a doctor nor a health expert. I just wanted to give my two cents on what I’ve learned through my own journey. It’s been 8 years since my I did my first actual dietary program to lose all my first-year-in-corporate-world/post college weight. I hit a breaking point when I bent over one day and my pants literally tore all the way down the bottom…. It was time.
Back then I did a program called Ideal Protein and lost 25 lbs in 8 weeks. You may have wondered how that is even possible, or not be able to imagine me that much heavier but I honestly didn’t realize I had climbed up that high because it was so slow and gradual. Anyway, I actually had nightmares after that diet and so much anxiety around consuming any carbs including even fruit. BUT, I just did that program again during quarantine and lost 9 lbs in 4 weeks so I wanted to touch on why I did it again. I also wanted to compare it to Faster Way to Fat Loss (which I wrote about here) and just share pros/cons of both.
I ALSO wanted to touch on general health/body image. And exercise. I hope this post isn’t a long ramble but it may be. I wanted to share my weight loss journey but also remind you that I’m not trying to a bikini model. I just wanted to get back to a totally plausible healthy weight after having two kids. And FEEL GOOD in my body.
After I lost my pregnancy a few months ago, I was sad. It was a week before we were quarantined and I drank every night. Not a ton, but some evenings a ton. I wasn’t sleeping well. I was eating everything in my midst. And I rationalized that it was fine because I was still exercising even though my mileage had slowed WAY down since running the half marathon.
Also, this may surprise you but I was at my heaviest weight in months when I ran that half marathon. I gained back those pounds and then some that I had shed in Faster Way. It was definitely deserved after my consumption during the holidays, in both food and alcohol. Anyway, I digress…
Here is the main gist of what I’ve learned about my body in 8 years and having kids. What FOOD I put in is the MOST important factor to my weight, but most importantly, my energy and mindset. You all know I love exercise and it makes me feel good. I exercise (almost) daily. And it does not make me lose weight. It helps, of course, when it comes to energy and sleep and definitely when it is combined with healthy eating.
So let’s talk pros/cons of both Ideal Protein and Faster Way to Fat Loss. I’ll also touch on mindset postpartum.
Ideal Protein is (in my experience) the fastest way to lose weight. It’s effective and you’ll sleep so well and have energy you haven’t had in years. That being said… it’s HARD. And it’s expensive. And that’s because the majority of what you’re eating is processed foods purchased through Ideal Protein. You’ll average 800-1000 calories a day and just by that caloric deficit alone, you’ll lose weight. But really, the best part about this program is the education you’ll get on food and understanding of what it takes to actually burn fat.
Fast weight loss
Education on food
Great sleep
Not sustainable
** Also I do not recommend this program postpartum if you are breastfeeding or have a baby that is not yet sleeping through the night** Sleep is crucial to fat burning!
You may be thinking, why would I try a diet that isn’t sustainable? Well I think the whole point is that diets are temporary. HABITS are sustainable. In order to maintain your weight, you actually need to change some of those habits that made you gain weight in the first place. Now let’s talk FWTFL.
Faster Way to Fat Loss is a great regimen which you can actually maintain. You’ll eat really healthy meals and feel really good in your body. And you’ll be involved in group emails/facebook threads as a support network. But it’s not the fastest way to burn fat. It can take a lot of time, and that’s fine!
Wholesome nutrition
Support Network
Can do while breastfeeding!
Tedious calculations of carbs vs fat vs protein… gets easier as you go on though!
Have to be able to plan your meals in advance
Slower weight loss…
Here are the main bullet points of what I’ve learned about my own body and weight loss:
-I cannot lose weight and drink alcohol at the same time…
-Exercise makes me feel really good and toned, but it does not make me lose weight
-Eating a balanced diet of high protein and low carb makes me burn fat
-I cannot lose weight while breastfeeding
-I have an athletic build
-When I commit to a program, I follow through
-Fasting is actually not hard at all
-Eating processed food as part of a weight lose regimen helps me lose weight fast but does not make me feel good long term
-Moderation is essential for maintaining my weight
-fitting into my jeans and eliminating stomach bloat makes me feel BEST in my body
I will probably do both of these programs again after I have more children because in that postpartum period, coffee and wine are on rotation and they are essentials to my HAPPINESS. Right now I am eating lots of protein and low carb and running 4x a week with the stroller and do a barre class virtually when I can. I eat really clean Monday through Thursday and indulge Friday to Sunday and have been maintaining my weight.
I mentioned I didn’t lose weight while nursing either kid and part of the reason I think is that I just wanted to enjoy some of the things I was allowed to have again. I also didn’t want to be hard on my body while I was still a food source. So I committed to a regimen after each and I am so happy I did!
So there it is. My weight loss & fitness journey. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave a comment or reach out!
everything I've learned about losing weight and keeping it off fat loss healthy living