Blogging is such an interesting industry and one that has gotten so much side eye previously, but now is a place so many companies are realizing they should be spending their marketing dollars! Who knew how much influence we could have on one another? When I started writing my blog, the term ‘influencer’ wasn’t a thing. I have a hard time even considering myself one because it kind of feels pretty millennial, but I enjoy it so much that I’ll take the title!
I frequently get asked about blogging and how I started, how it works, and the likes, so I thought I’d do a little Q&A ! A few of you sent me questions so let’s get to it.
How long have you been blogging?
4 years!
Do you get free clothes?
Yes and no. I used to do posts in exchange for product but I value my work and time so much and have learned how valuable I can be, that I charge for it. I pay for all my clothing and keep 90% of it. The point is to be a stylist but no one needs that much clothing so if I buy a few different things, I choose some that I’ll return and I don’t feel guilty, especially if it’s just something I tried on at home. However, I am working with a company right now who lets me pick out outfits, gifts them to me, and also pays for my work!
How did you set up affiliate links?
All of my affiliate links are through RewardStyle. On Instagram, that’s @liketoknow.it. There is an application process and I have been involved with it for about 3 years. There are so many companies that partner with RewardStyle. Just so you’re aware, I can’t just link anything on the internet and make a sale of it. It has to be a partner! So many amazing companies are involved now which makes it easier to link all the things I love!
How did you monetize your blog?
This goes along with the previous question. I first want to say that if you start a blog with the sole purpose of making money, you are starting for the wrong reason. People ask me what I do during my free time and it’s pretty much this. The kids go down and I start writing. I get happy when I open up my computer and pull up this space. I love writing. I love photography. I love creating flatlays and collages of products I’m loving. It fuels me and it took years for me to make any money. That being said, I’m making money, but by no means enough to support my family or anything at this time. Maybe someday! Right now I’m cash flowing this blog and all the clothes I buy and it’s great.
SO…how did I monetize it? The first way was through Rewardstyle… Every time you click on links from my blog and shop, whether you’re buying the specific product or something else, I make a commission. So thanks to those of you who swing by here before adding things to your Amazon cart or browsing Nordstrom!
The second way is through partnerships. I haven’t had any ad banners on my website but many others use them. Companies will partner with me for a sponsored post and that’s where the majority of my $ comes from.
What does a brand collaboration look like?
It’s different for every brand! Some I’ve done directly through RewardStyle. But most have been through an email exchange. I have been reached out to for the majority of them but lately I’ve been getting more courageous about seeking them out, especially if it’s with a brand I already use and love!
I always propose a concept that I want to talk about that integrates with my brand. Some brands want to do a one time thing but the most valuable ones are the continued partnerships! Some want blog posts. Many just want Instagram promotion. I have a media kit and rate card that I send over. It’s basically a resumé!
What kind of camera do you use?
Nikon D750! Best Christmas gift ever!
How did you grow your Instagram following?
My Instagram following actually hasn’t grown in a year. Even though I gain new followers every day, I still lose some and more. At first I was so frustrated. But I did a few of those big loop giveaways a few years ago and I think I’m just shedding a lot of followers I don’t have much in common with and really gaining ones who are invested. It’s all about creating a relationship and community and I’m trying to do that more strategically! Even though Instagram views/engagement have gone down, I’ve increased in blog readership, sales, and partnerships, so I must be doing something right!
But to answer your question, I post to Instagram 4-5 times a week if I can. It’s important to have fresh content consistently and post regularly to grow. When it comes to engaging, I engage with like-minded accounts. I usually do this within the hour that I post to increase engagement on my own stuff. I also post to Instagram stories because I’ll get a lot more engagement/views there!
I hope to continue to grow but I also don’t want to spend all my time on the app. I’ve been focusing on other platforms like pinterest where some of my posts do really well! I highly recommend that if you’re wanting to grow! It’s a great place to get new interest and continued views on your blog :)
What # of followers would make you feel like you made it?
I used to think 10k, ha! I no longer think its a number of followers on Instagram though because I see people with 100k who can support their family and people with 300k who can’t… There’s a lot of smoke in mirrors on the platform and fake #s. Luckily, we now have business insights we can send to brands and reach is much more important than likes! How far did this image go?!
Anyway, a part of me loves the idea of getting to 100k. A part of me is terrified of being that big a profile when the business is ME and not a product of mine. You know?
How do you post so consistently to your blog with two kids at home?
My blog is my third baby and I’m a stay at home mom. It’s my side hustle that I do for myself so I give it my all when I have free time. I am always thinking of new ideas and creations and I just start a post draft and get back to it when I’m inspired to write. I don’t watch a ton of TV and even reading has taken a backseat so I can sit down and create.
Those are all your questions! If you have more, feel free to leave in comments or email me! XO
You go girl!