Hello 2020!
The start of a new year but also a NEW DECADE. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around that.
2019 was a blur. I can’t believe I almost have two toddlers now!
I’ve learned so much in the past year through the blogging industry and it’s going to change how I approach this platform. There have been ups and downs (mostly ups!) but I’ve really come to trust myself and stand for my own self worth. I’ve had some great partnerships and have realized how valuable blogger marketing is now that so many consumers are turning to ‘real people’ for product recommendation.
I’ve also realized how easy it is to get caught up in the excitement of connection and sales and forget the tiny people being impacted and shared regularly through these platforms: my kids. I have gone back and forth over the last two years questioning how much sharing is too much. It’s hard not to share their sweet faces when they are the center of my life and being a mom is the connection I have with many of you. I have thought about the consequences of sharing my children on the internet but often I’ve countered them with the plethora of other people doing it and how $ made from projects they are involved in will ultimately be saved for them. However, neither of these justifications really make me feel better about anything… they seem to just be easy excuses for me to keep sharing.
Last month a photo of mine was taken and used on a website to sell product and though the photo was immediately taken down upon request, I still felt a pit in my stomach. It’s so easy for people to take our images and I only knew about it when a friend texted me. I don’t ever want my kids to grow up and tell me they wished I hadn’t shared so much. This is all unchartered territory and none of us knows the impact we’ll have for the future but I want it to be a good one.
So while my kids will still be part of this blog, it will be less imagery with their faces and more photos taken from behind unless it’s a photo with me. That doesn’t scare me (clearly my kids then!). This will absolutely still be a motherhood blog but I’ll be sharing it a little differently! The focus will be on me and how I still find time for myself in the thick of parenting littles.
I know that sharing less of my family will make an impact on this blog and maybe lose some of your interest, but my number one priority is the protection of my children and being their mom first.
Thank you for your continued support through this whole journey! I’m still learning so much as I continue to work with different people and brands and I appreciate the time you take to stop by my corner of the internet.
Here’s to a new decade and many new beginnings! Cheers!