I’ve never done a list of goals for a month. I guess I’ve never thought of short-term goals for 30 days, you know? But I’ve felt we’ve been running full speed into summer and I want to slow down and re-evaluate everything. What do I want to focus on? What makes me happy?
When I sit in my home and admire the painted footprints from Charlie on the fridge, the family photos framed on our shelves, the misplaced toys on the floor, and the bottles that need to be washed, I think of this life that we have built with so much love. Chaotic. Messy. Beautiful. And I am overflowed with happiness.
It reminds me that all I really need in life are these people I love so much, adventure to look forward to, and a sense of self-worth which comes from being both a mama and a creative entrepreneur.
I think what I love so much about blogging is all the creative thinking that goes into it. The photography, especially. It’s always been a passion of mine. But I love putting together collages, I love writing happiness lists, and I love styling outfits. It makes me feel good. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by the pressure I’ve put on myself to constantly do it (it’s a lot of work!) but I have to remind myself that no one is going to give up on The Autumn Girl because I don’t post every day. And even if they do, that’s okay. This blog is for me anyway!
Social media is such a curse and a blessing at the same time. I love being able to connect to friends, share pictures, inspire (‘influence’) and be inspired. I love getting inspiration from others too! But even as an adult, I can still get down about the comparison game (so silly) and get frustrated with the lack of engagement. We spend too much time caring about ‘likes’ and it’s what social media has forced us to do. I can sit back, disengage, and remember that it’s a highlight reel but then I worry about the future of our kids and how this will evolve and affect them. If I can get down about it as an adult, how does this affect a 13 year old who lives in their childhood bubble? For many of them, this is a popularity contest and a reflection of life. Ahhh it makes me remember my own teenage years and goodness, am I ever thankful social media wasn’t around then. Anyway… rambling rambling.
I came up with a list of some small goals I want to accomplish in the month of June. Little things that I hope create some habits!
- No shopping! I’ll be taking the month off from buying clothes. Regular Autumn Girl readers, you know that I’ve shared quite a bit of fashion lately but it’s time to step back and shop my own closet. I’ve got so many things that can be worn different ways. I want to save some money! Any outfits you see posted in the month of June are either purchases from May or long before!
- Less social media. My own Instagram might tank a little with a break but it’s a necessary one that will make me feel much better overall. I don’t want to be checking every time I park my car or wake up in the morning. If I check just a few times a day (I don’t want to tell you how often I check it now), I’ll feel awesome. So 3 times a day. That’s the goal. (As a blogger, that’s not much at all!)
- Come up with 4 new indoor activities to do with kids. Summer is coming and with it, extreme heat! This morning Charlie and I had fun playing with playdough and watercolor crayons. I want to come up with some new indoor activities and do at least one a week!
- Play the waiting game. A little. I don’t know if you saw my Instagram post from a while ago, but I was inspired by a Sunday School lesson to conserve more. We live in a day where we can get so many things RIGHT NOW. I want a little more delayed gratification. Stop hitting ‘order’ on that Amazon cart when I can let a few things pile up before purchasing. Save a few boxes… There are few things that I need RIGHT NOW other than diapers (which I can easily go pick up at Target down the street).
- Read before bed. If I can settle into bed every night with a few pages under my belt of a good book, it was an evening well spent! This helps me settle down for the evening and I haven’t done it much lately. Replace phone with book! Done.
Okay and a few things about this dress before I go! With summer weather approaching, I’ve been on the hunt for casual dresses that can be dressed up or down, and worn on repeat. This navy floral dress is a wrap dress, but not the awkward kind that shows your bra if you’re flat like I am. It’s the kind that has the wrap detail, but actually zips in the back and has a clip for the front. A huge win in my book! Keep an eye out for sales because there surely will be one and this is a great item to add to your cart :)
Thanks for stopping by and reading this today! xxo
floral dress june goals positivity