I mentioned this in my postpartum update last week but lately I have felt the deepest sense of contentment. Part is due to my healthy and happy family and part of it has come from finding confidence in myself again. I feel like I’m living the moment I’ve been waiting for my whole life.
We’ve had several slow days over here and others so chaotic, I can’t keep my head on straight. But I look at each of them as a fleeting moments that I’ll miss one day.
Do any of you guys pray? I pray every night. It was a habit I started as a seven year old and one I continue that helps me appreciate everything. So many things have popped into my head that I’m extra grateful for and I thought I’d share that list with you all. Maybe as a little inspiration to consider your blessings too ;)
- Sunshine. We have had so many overcast days lately and even though I love a reason to wear a sweater and curl up inside, that sunshine just lightens the mood, even if its super chilly.
- Eric. The best husband ever. I sound so sappy but he has been a DREAM with the kids and with me and I feel so grateful for my life partner!
- Newborn snuggles. I can’t get over the coos and the newborn smell. I wish I could capture that scent and put it into a bottle.
- Family. We are so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives and such a great support system. I wished we lived closer to everyone but we’re so grateful to have so many visitors and helping hands with our kiddos.
- Charlie’s face when we walk into his room first thing in the morning. Such a happy kid!
- Friends near and far. I love my girlfriends that I can catch up with on the phone and feel like we haven’t missed a beat. And I’m grateful for our local friends who we are raising our kids with. This new chapter is so fun.
- My mama tribe. All you mamas on Instagram who help me out with any questions I have or who let me vent, celebrate, and share- I love you all! So thankful we have such a great community together.
- Old Music. Listening to James Taylor, 10,000 Maniacs, Counting Crows, John Mellencamp- and many more! It reminds me of my childhood and family trips.
- My new camera. Eric has been taking all my blog photos! He’s doing such a great job! And I’ve been able to capture some really special photos of the kids which makes my heart happy.
- Coffee. I mean…. duh.
- To have carried my babies. I feel weird saying this but I kind of miss being pregnant. Even though I felt more sick with McKenna, I was also more relaxed! I know many people struggle with pregnancy and getting pregnant, and I’m very grateful that I was able to have babies without issue.
- Amazon Prime. Our personal best friend. Making life easy!
- Family days at the park. Getting outside with my people. The best.
Hope you’re having a great week friends! So thankful for all of you too :)
Diaper Bag is by Fawn Design!
13 things I'm grateful for happiness leopard sweater