9 days until my due date! And I’m feeling all the feels! Everything is ready in our home for Baby Girl. Carseat is installed. Hospital bag is packed. Room is decorated. Second changing table is set up downstairs. Newborn diapers are purchased. House is decluttered and bottles are back in cabinets. I feel like I’ve checked everything off my list and now I’m just embracing these last few days of sleep and time as a family of 3.
Even at 38.5 weeks pregnant (yes, counting to that level now), I haven’t really slowed down. We relaxed a lot over the weekend but we also took Charlie to the Thinkery, had a dance party Saturday night, attended Church, and watched the Superbowl with friends.
Even though I am SO physically ready to have this baby, I’ve been enjoying being social, getting sleep, taking bubble baths, and soaking up my ‘me time’ before it’s gone again. I’ve also wanted to be as present and hands-on as I possibly can with C before his time as only child expires. I know becoming a big brother will be so good for him, but I still feel him running into my arms and think my sweet baby. My first baby! Once there are two, I will have to juggle both of their needs and focus on balancing everyone.
It’s interesting that even after you have a baby, you still have no idea how things will go down when you have your second. I never shared my birth story with Charlie but I had progressed quite a bit by my 39 week appointment and was able to get a membrane strip to push things along. Sure enough, I was in labor 2 days later. With Charlie, I felt braxton hicks while I’d exercise but as soon as I sat down and relaxed, they’d go away. This pregnancy I’ve felt consistent cramping since 35 weeks and keep waking up thinking today could be the day! But nothing happens.
So for all I know, baby could be here tomorrow or she could be a week late! I’m so anxious to meet her but I’m just waiting patiently because I know what’s coming. And I’m really embracing these special one on one moments with my toddler.
So pray for us these next 9 days! Pray for a healthy baby and delivery! She’ll be here so soon :)
Liz says
Praying for all of those things. Can’t wait to meet her !
The Autumn Girl says
Love you!