Per reader request, I am sharing some meal ideas for your toddler today! If you read my post on tips for feeding your picky toddler, you know we struggle with food in our house. Over the course of the last couple of months, I have decided to give myself a break and just let it be. I’m not a huge processed food fan but at this point, I’ll take anything that Charlie will feed himself. As my pediatrician reminded me, many many kids before Charlie grew up on Kraft Mac n Cheese and turned into healthy adults. Having a picky toddler is completely normal and a struggle for many parents everywhere.
Our pediatrician then told us new studies show many babies and toddlers have to be offered something 50 times before they will try it. In her words, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try- 49 times again”… Ha! Kind of discouraging but it gave me a new mindset on how to feed Charlie. Put as many things in front of him as a I can and zero pressure on him to eat them. Make it colorful! Kids love color. And always have a few back ups (i.e pouches for fruit, veggies, and proteins) for those days where they just won’t even budge.
Recently we had a breakthrough in our house and it nearly made me cry! HA- the things that make us emotional #Motherhood. For weeks I had been melting turkey and cheese on tortillas and Charlie wouldn’t touch them. It’s a low maintenance meal that Eric and I will happily finish if he doesn’t, so we don’t worry too much about it going to waste. One afternoon I saw him reach for it and put it in his mouth and it took every ounce of my willpower not to freak out with excitement. I wanted it to seem normal for Charlie. He realized how yummy it tasted and now he’s eating it regularly. Finally, a source of protein!
I thought it would be helpful to share some low maintenance food ideas with you so you won’t feel totally frustrated when your toddler chooses not to eat them. Be prepared for many things to go to waste (it’s just reality at this point) and keep your head up! We eat TONS of cereal bars and pouches over here and on a good day, he’ll try some different finger foods.
3 Ingredient Banana Pancakes (2 eggs + one banana + pinch cinnamon in a blender!)
Pumpkin Bread (in case your tot didn’t like my pumpkin muffins)… this recipe is made with regular flour and one of Charlie’s absolute favorites
Dried fruits: favorites are cranberries and diced apricots
Oatmeal: oats with chia seeds and a pinch of brown sugar (or we often buy pre-made packages!)
Avocados (he rarely eats these but I like getting as many green things on his plate as possible)
Sliced strawberries and banana
Sliced clementines (will never eat these but I keep trying!)
yogurt (we love Siggi’s! High protein and low sugar)
Applesauce (took a few times but he loves it now!)
pieces of cheese and turkey
turkey and cheese quesadillas (going to start trying different meats!)
nut butter sandwich (never fails)
smoothie with cauliflower, avocado, and spinach (seriously the easiest way to get some of those healthy ingredients without your toddler noticing! add some frozen fruit- you’ll love it too!)
corn and peas
roasted sweet potatoes
Often we’ll have smoothies for breakfast and quesadillas for lunch! The order doesn’t matter at all ;) I just like to get something filling in before bedtime!
We also offer Charlie whole milk every day. Can’t say he even finishes a whole cup but it’s another challenge we’re working through. I’m glad he loves his yogurt and is starting to try cheese! One day at a time.
I’m still working on a variety of foods but sometimes its hard to think of them! What have you been making at home for your toddler? What’s an easy food to get in front of them that’s healthy?
Leave your ideas in the comments so other mamas can get some inspo! xx
toddler food ideas toddler meal prep what we're feeding our toddler
We also do peanut butter sandwiches! Benjamin loves peanut butter so I’ll also cut apples into matchstick pieces and smear peanut butter on them for him. I also make grilled cheese sandwiches multiple times a week. We should try dried fruit!
We love peanut butter too! So yummy! Have not thought about any cut up apples- I should try! Thanks for the ideas :)