I have to be perfectly honest with you guys. Right now I am going through a spurt of anxiety as baby #2 approaches. I’m still 9 weeks out but as Charlie becomes more clingy to mama, opinionated, and well, very much a toddler, I’m starting to wonder how everything will go down when Baby Girl gets here.
The other part of me is sososoexcited to meet her and put her in this adorable fuzzy pink sweater immediately. What will she look like? Who will she be like? It’s going to be so much fun.
Expecting a child can be such an interesting paradox to feel equal parts terrified and also so over the moon excited about it that you want it to happen right now.
I covet my sleep. I really really do. And we got really lucky with C and his love for sleep too. I’m mentally preparing myself for a little one that is NOT a good sleeper so we can adjust accordingly or be pleasantly surprised.
I remember feeling like I was under a deep fog when Charlie was first born. One afternoon I was standing in the middle of my living room still in my pajamas, teeth yet to be brushed, wondering if I was going to get a chance to take a shower that day or if I’d rather use that time to lay down for a few minutes. I never understood how time consuming daily activities could be with a baby, but they took up every ounce of my being. I remember crying hysterically when our dog destroyed a casserole and feeling like it was actual the end of the world. After weeks of no sleep, anything could set me off. All of it was hard and now we’ll be throwing a toddler and tantrums to the mix so I’m anxious to set myself up to be patient and calm. We got through the fog last time and I know we’ll get through it again, but I don’t want to wish that time away. I want to hold my two tiny babies close and appreciate their age.
All my friends who have more than one child have told me two things:
- I’ll appreciate that newborn stage even more the second time around since I know it will fly and I’ve already been through it. I sure hope this is true! I can’t wait for the snuggles!
2. A second child will make me feel more confident as a mom since I’ve been through it before.
Please, yes, please.
If there is anything motherhood has taught me, it’s that once I feel comfortable or feel like I’ve got the hang of something, it changes. Nothing is forever but simply a stage when it comes to kiddos. There are so many changes consistently happening and it’s a constant roller coaster of emotion and learning.
For those of you with more than one child, what was the biggest adjustment you faced? What was the hardest/best part of growing your family? What was something you did for yourself so you could get through it? I’m such a control freak and I really need to give myself a bit of grace and just…Let. Go.
I’m so anxious for baby Girl to get here but I want to enjoy some of these last moments with Charlie as an only child and really do some special activities together.
Send advice & thoughts my way! I’m all ears. Thanks for reading and sharing this journey with me.