I had my first stomach bug since I can remember and man, being sick with a one year old while very pregnant- not fun! Luckily, it lasted 24 hours and Charlie was in daycare for a portion of it. It’s been a doozy of a few days over here but now the sun is shining and we have a gorgeous weekend ahead! I just took Charlie to see Santa and we waited an hour and a half and he sat patiently in his stroller. What a trooper!
How is your weekend going?
I wanted to give you a pregnancy update as it has been a while and I’m in THIRD TRIMESTER! It’s been two weeks and I’ve already felt the common changes from second right away. I cannot believe I only have a couple more months to go! (Disclaimer- these photos are a few weeks old).
Heartburn has kicked in, lower back pain has increased, and I almost always need a long nap. Ha! Sounds dreamy, yeah? But my favorite part is happening right now too: all those kicks and movement! I really don’t think there is anything in the world it can be compared to. It’s one of the most surreal and exciting feelings. Now I can feel the sharpness of an elbow jab vs her rolling over.
Everything about this pregnancy has felt different than the last. It makes me think she’ll be a totally different kid than Charlie. I’ve felt more sick and tired (with a few other glorious things like painful varicose veins, headaches, and third trimester nausea). But I’ve been a lot more patient this time around and I think that’s due to having a one year old around and being so amazed by all the changes happening with him.
I remember at this time of pregnancy with Charlie, feeling so huge and wondering how I could get even bigger. I totally feel the same way now even though I look at my belly and it still isn’t so big. But she is taking up almost all the space in there so there really isn’t so much room for her to move! It’s definitely why I feel everything.
As we waited in line for Santa today, I noticed the most adoooorable outfits people put their little girls in. I mean, dressing a boy is fun too, but I’m literally obsessing over some of these girl outfits. I have been really good and haven’t bought anything other than a pink fuzzy jacket for when she’s born (it’s ME pink- pale, not over the top, and super cozy). I’m waiting until I’m restless in January to get some more of the things we really need.
Overall, even though this pregnancy has been a bit tougher, I have enjoyed it a little more than with Charlie. I loved being pregnant with Charlie, but I think I’m more relaxed this time not only because I’ve been through it, but because I’ve stopped feeling like I’m missing out on things and really enjoyed the miracle that is new life.
I am really looking forward to becoming a family of four. And seeing Eric as a dad to a little girl. I just know it’s going to be a really special bond they have and it already melts my heart to see him with Charlie. AH- this stage of life has really been the best so far. I’m doing my best to enjoy each and every moment, even on hard days when I feel I can’t get a break. It goes by so fast, you know?
I hope you all have a wonderful first day of December and weekend! xxx
*photos by Madeline Harper