*photo by Madeline Harper
Our current daily struggle in our house is eating. Do any of you have children who are picky? I was so excited when we started feeding Charlie solids because he tried and liked everything. In the past couple of months though, he has decided there are certain textures he doesn’t like. In fact, there is food he’ll look at and decide he can’t touch.
It’s bizarre.
It’s normal.
And it’s extremely frustrating.
I’m not sure if its because I subconsciously view it as a personal failure or if its because I wonder if my child is getting the right nutrients, but the stress it causes me daily is almost silly. I’m really working hard on exercising patience. I’m going to need it for all these toddler stages (and so on!) anyway. Might as well start now…
If you have a child who is a picky eater, believe me when I tell you you are not alone. If Charlie could live on cheerios and pouches and peanut butter toast for the rest of his life, he would. I have been researching tips for feeding my picky eater and one of the things I have learned is that babies are growing and changing so much every day, that sometimes the ability to make their own choices is how they exercise independence and control. So I have been seeking the advice of family and friends to find creative ways to get my child to eat a more balanced diet and here are the tips I’ve learned!
Serve the tricky foods first and when baby is most hungry
I know that Charlie is turned off by rotisserie chicken and cheese but I still find a way of putting it on his plate every week. I want him to get used to the texture and sight of it even though he isn’t ready to eat it. At breakfast, I’ll often serve food that Charlie isn’t interested in at other times of the day, simply because he is hungry. SURPRISE * my child doesn’t love bananas. But if he receives it first thing, *sometimes* he’ll try it.
Try changing it up
Sometimes the little chunks of banana don’t work for C. I’ve found that offering him the entire banana to bite into or breaking it into bigger portions will work every now and then. I watch him, of course. Each day is different. Experimenting is always worth a try!
Don’t force it
I have absolutely pried my child’s mouth open and forced a bite when he was wasn’t feeling it. I still feel guilty. It may have worked a time or two before but I don’t want him to hate meal time or develop a bad relationship with food. It will only make things worse later on.
Get creative
Charlie doesn’t love the packaging of applesauce. I will take a pouch and pretend to squeeze it onto his spoon to trick him into eating it. And it will often work! He’ll take a bite of the applesauce, realize how good it tastes, and finish it! It’s easier with fruity, yummy foods. It’s really difficult with things like eggs, cheese, and other foods that have a different texture than puree. But I still try knowing that I have a 50/50 shot.
Make Smoothies
Even though this isn’t exactly teaching your child to pick something up and eat it himself, I find that blending healthy smoothies gives me a peace of mind that my baby is getting his nutrients. Great veggies to hide in smoothies? Cauliflower, spinach, & avocado. I mix with banana and frozen fruit! We spoon feed these.
Give them time to eat
Babies can’t hurry. Make sure you have time to eat and no one feels stressed to finish!
Eat with them
I do my best to serve C food that I’m eating and also show him that food on his plate is something I enjoy too!
Minimize distractions
Turn off the TV and the Alexa speaker. Move the dogs out of the room. Put the toys away. (I am speaking to myself right now too). Help your child focus on what’s in front of them.
Be patient.
You’ve got this mama (or papa!). Your child will grow up and eat food just like everyone else. Realize it may take time. Don’t give up!
Here is a recipe for spinach muffins that I’ve been making C that he loves! Sometimes I have to let him bite into the actual muffin instead of breaking it up into tiny pieces. Every day is different!
Alright, it’s your turn. Tell me your best tip for feeding your child! What works for you?
I wish I had tips for you. Unfortunately, I am in the exact same boat and I honestly feel guilty and sad most days when it’s my son’s meal times. Please continue to share any tips you receive! I’m happy to know I’m not the only mom serving peanut butter toast on a regular basis!
Peanut butter toast is the best! I feel you, Sara. I go from anxious to upset when I can’t get my child to eat anything of substance. Some days we have success and others, he wants to fight me the whole way. Keep your head up! They all grow up to eat, right? :)