My hair has been through the ringer in the last year. Pregnant. Postpartum. Pregnant again. My hormones have been all over the place. And while my precious babe and one of the way are totally worth the halo buzz of regrowth around my head, my hair has been driving me CRAZY and I’ve been working hard to fix it. I thought I’d share some tips and products I’ve been loving lately that have been strengthening my hair.
Have you struggled with your hair since you had your baby? When people warned me that my hair would change, I secretly laughed in my head. I already have a head of limited fine hair, there’s no way the universe would give me more hair grief! Ha, well the universe laughed right back at me. After I stopped nursing, my hair fell out in clumps. Everywhere. And while I thought that was the worst, about a month and a half later, I noticed the short stack of 1 inch hair growing all over my head. It looked like I took scissors to my own head! A mini buzz, if you will. Woof.
The first thing I thought about was taking biotin. It works wonders for your hair. But I never stopped taking my prenatal vitamins which contain biotin already. Now that I’m pregnant again, my hair seems to be growing back steadily and quickly anyway. I’ll definitely give pregnancy credit for some of the positive changes I’ve seen lately. But I’ll also say that I’ve been working hard at recovering my hair too.
I rarely blow dry my hair. I only do it when I’m in a rush and need it dry for wherever I’m going. Otherwise, I brush it after I shower and let it air dry. Also, I wash it about every other to every 3rd day (basically as long as I can) before washing it through. That way my natural oils aren’t totally disrupted and forced to take over my head so quickly.
I also use all the below products that have made such a difference in the strength and elasticity of my hair! Here is why I love them:
Thanks to my friend Janna Doan, I have discovered this magical hair product which gives my hair LIFE in one use. Hop in the shower, rinse your hair, hop out and towel dry your hair. Apply a generous amount to your hair and leave in for at least 10 minutes before hopping back in shower to rinse out. This is not meant as a conditioner! This product is for hair repair! Make sure to use shampoo and conditioner AFTER this mask. I used this twice a week when I started and now I use it about once a week. I would say this has been the biggest game changer with my postpartum hair.
2. Sulfate Free Shampoo & Conditioner-
I didn’t realize sulfates dull colored hair and can strip your hair of natural oils. Personally, I have very dry hair so getting rid of sulfates has been essential to repairing it. There are so many options for sulfate-free shampoo but I have always been a fan of Redken!
3. Bumble + Bumble Invisible Oil–
This stuff is amazing. All you need are two tiny beads of this to tame some of those fly aways. I put two pumps in my hand, rub it in, and then pat it on my damp hair at the roots, most towards my face and where those baby hairs lay. This is super helpful if you have a lot of regrowth like I do!
4. R + Co Dry Shampoo –
I looooove this stuff. This is for those days when you aren’t washing your hair and need a quick fix for those extra oils. I also love the smell of it. I pick up my hair and spray the roots and the back of my head (where I collect the most oil).
5. Living Proof Dry Volume Blast –
I just discovered this and it is incredible. Whenever I get done up and curl my hair for a night out, I lift my hair and blast this at the roots and it just gives it the perfect lift. You will LOVE this product.
That’s it! Those are my tips and tricks. So far, I’ve been loving my new hair care routine. I’ve also heard great things about using telephone cord hair ties to help with breakage. What are the products that are changing your hair right now?!
postpartum hair products postpartum hair recovery postpartum hair strengthening