I didn’t do my anticipated “9 Months with Charlie” post that I had planned on doing this summer. I love writing these posts, not just for you, but also for me as I will want to remember the details of these milestones with our next baby! I’m already thinking about what products we used at the beginning and how we got through difficult stages. It’s funny how much of a blur it’s been. I didn’t write the post simply because I was in the new stages of pregnancy #2 and all I could do was lay on the floor while my child played with his toys. Lucky for me, he wasn’t on the move yet…
Charlie has been about 2 months behind the curve with some of his milestones and it has been TOTALLY OKAY, especially when it comes to crawling. Holy game changer. I knew that it would be tough, but I had no idea that looking away for five seconds could mean a flipped doggie water bowl and entire kitchen mess.
I can’t believe our guy will be ONE in less than 3 weeks. What a year it has been. I thought I’d share some of the products we are loving at this stage right now, ones we continue to use, and ones we are trying to figure out (maybe with a little help from you?).
Activity Table – The original reason I bought this table was so Charlie had something to pull himself up on that wasn’t our coffee table or piece of furniture with hard corners. Bonus that it has lots of fun gadgets on top to play with! We have a carpeted playroom upstairs with no furniture dedicated to all baby play. It’s the easiest spot for us to hang out and let Charlie explore without having to worry about him hurting himself. So finding something he could use to stand with and explore for $30 was huge!
Summer Infant Playpen– this is a lifesaver when I have things I need to get done around the house and don’t want to worry where Charlie is off to. We have hardwood floors so I just put a thick blanket underneath. This playpen is the perfect spot for me to put Charlie down with toys and get a breather to take a shower or clean the kitchen or just drink my coffee!
Grocery Cart Walker– There are quite a few options for grocery carts! I think this is such a fun toy for a baby because they can fill it up, dump it out, and when they get a little older and understand grocery shopping, can play pretend!
Rattle Balls– So many options and such a fun shaker for kiddos! Love that it doesn’t require batteries. I am a firm believer in getting as many toys/objects to play with that don’t require batteries and instead, require creativity for play.
Tommee Tippee Bottle – I saw my sister-in-law using this with her son and decided it was time for me to try some new bottles. I know this isn’t a product necessarily for a baby on the move, but I wanted to share anyway. I LOVE the size of these and how easy they are to clean. They are anti-colic and have 3 nipple sizes for babies of different ages.
Tupperware! I don’t need to link this for you. This is the most simple thing to give a baby! They loooove to bang things around, fill them up, dump them out, and why not use something you already have in your kitchen that is safe and fun? My favorite.
Products We Still Love:
Jumperoo– I know many babies on the move get frustrated with this because they want to be out and about moving! However, Charlie still loves a good jumping session so we put him in this once in a while (usually while making dinner) and he’ll dance while we play music.
4 Moms High Chair– Life saver! I use this sometimes just to keep Charlie occupied with a toy! It has an easy removable tray liner to wash so you don’t have to wash the entire tray every time. It’s also magnetic (great for little babies!) and is easy to use!
Halo Sleepsack– We just bought some bigger sizes for our growing boy and an extra one he takes to daycare for naps. My mom always says, “why can’t they make these for adults? I would sleep in this!” I agree.
Products I’m Figuring Out:
Where we struggle is in the eating department. Most friends of mine have children that are what they call “garbage disposals” and will eat anything. My child is not that way at all. He is really struggling with textures of different foods (at least that is my assumption) and is not interested in holding his own bottle up (or a sippy cup for that matter). I am trying to find ways to have him eat healthy but also EAT in general. If he could, he would eat purees for every meal but I’m slowly taking them away!
If you have recommendations for sippy cups you love, send them my way! We have one with handles but he thinks its a toy and won’t actually put it in his mouth (no matter how hard we try!). This might just be another one of those things that takes time! I’m still working on my patience ;) #notperfect
Do you have any favorite products you’re using for your moving kiddo? xoxo
Love the grocery cart toy! I’m looking for gift ideas for Benjamin’s first birthday and that’s a good one! We have had success with the Munchkin weighted straw cup. I will say that I feel ya on the eating thing. Benjamin is 10 months and he doesn’t eat much. I offer real food (we skipped purees) three times a day and he doesn’t eat much and will sometimes refuse everything! I just keep doing my part (offering and encouraging) and hope one day soon it will click for him.
That’s what I think! Some things just take time :)
Also you will love this grocery cart! It’s so cute watching Charlie walk around with it!