When my Juice Plus gummies arrived in the mail, I rushed to the front door, ripped open the package and immediately ate the serving size of each package. Disclaimer: these gummies are SO good, it will be necessary to exercise self control to avoid eating your monthly supply in a sitting!
I actually am no novice to Juice Plus. My aunt sold it years ago when I was in high school and my mom bought them regularly. They were always something I looked forward to munching on and to be honest, I didn’t get sick for the entire year I ate them! Then I went to college and the supply stayed at home with my family, but here I am, years later, adding them back into my daily routine!
Are you familiar with Juice Plus?
I know there are a lot of multi-level marketing companies out there and you might be overwhelmed by the amount of family and friends you know selling and reaching out to you. I’ve been there. However, I’m not selling any of these products myself: I am just sharing what I use and truly believe in and that includes Juice Plus.
So what’s so neat about Juice Plus? Well I generally consider myself a pretty healthy eater but this pregnancy has me craving/eating all sorts of things. Also, even on my best days, I don’t think I get all the necessary vitamins. It’s so hard! Juice Plus contain over 40 vegetables, fruits, and grains in their plant based products. Their goal is to inspire healthy living around the world and help prevent illness. Some women actually take juice plus capsules instead of their prenatal vitamins! Definitely talk to your doctor and see if this is an option for you but I’m still taking my prenatal in addition to my gummies.
Each Juice Plus chewable package comes with 120 gummies (a 1 month supply). In addition to both the Fruit + Veggie blend, there is also a delicious berry blend. I’ve been taking 4 gummies of all 3 and my personal favorite is the veggie blend. I just love the taste! Though Juice Plus is not meant to replace your daily intake of fruit and veggies, it’s a great supplement to get some of those missing nutrients. Let’s be honest, none of us has the perfect diet every day…
In addition to the gummies, there are a variety of products available through Juice Plus. I was also able to try their vanilla and chocolate shakes and they were delicious. I mixed them up with banana and berries (and a little nut butter) and they tasted like a milkshake! They also offer capsules if a chewables aren’t your thing! Also available are bars and chewables for kids! (see family health study for discount for kids ages 4-18).
The lifecycle of a cell is 4 months so it can take that amount of time to start feeling the effects. For me, my body has been all over the place with pregnancy so it will be hard to tell. However, I remember how great I felt years ago when I took these daily vitamins and I’m looking forward to reaping the benefits once again. The neat thing about Juice Plus is that they are made with whole fruit and vegetables instead of extracted vitamins. But best part of course is their taste (I think I say that a few times, yeah?).
If you’re looking for other ideas for health inspired living, there are plenty of resources on Juice Plus’ ‘Community’ tab including snack ideas, recipes, and many articles on healthy living and fun activities for the family. I highly recommend browsing the site and testing their products!
Have questions? Leave them in the comments!
*In collaboration with Juice Plus. All opinions are my own*
healthy living healthy vitamins juice plus review