We have been keeping a secret!
We are pregnant and expecting Baby #2 in February! We are over the moon thrilled to be adding a new member to our little family!
If you were wondering about the real truth behind my absence this summer, well now you know. This pregnancy has been different than the last and much tougher! Fun fact- we found out we were having Charlie the day before my birthday and we found out about Baby #2 the day after Eric’s! Kind of neat! We were ready to start planning for #2 but didn’t expect it to happen so fast. We feel very fortunate and excited :) And maybe a little overwhelmed about having babies 16 months apart! But we want a big family and feel like siblings close in age will be so much fun.
With Charlie I felt exhausted, emotional, and a lot of cramping. But with this baby, I’ve felt that and more! Heartburn, nausea, the blues, and honestly, like I’ve been sick for weeks. I still feel so tired and have days where I feel like I’m more exhausted than I was when Charlie was first born. Crazy. Maybe it’s having another baby to take care of or maybe it’s because my emotions are running high- I’m not sure. But I’m trying to exercise and go to bed early to maintain better energy levels.
My cravings have been hilarious this time around. Even though we’ve had the hottest summer since we moved here 4 years ago, I can’t stop wanting Ramen Noodles. It’s been quite the carb fest over here. Bagels, mac n cheese, pb & j, cookies. All these things I usually keep out of my diet but sound SO GOOD RIGHT NOW. Now that I’ve entered second trimester, I’ve noticed some of these cravings dissipate so I’m trying to focus on eating more healthy foods!
It’s crazy how fast you show with your second. We found out that we were pregnant at just 3 weeks and I popped at the end of 12, so I’ve been feeling like I’m further along than I actually am. I heard it’s tougher to get back to your self after your second baby (and so on) so I really do want to maintain a good fitness routine and take care of myself. But I’m definitely going to treat myself and enjoy this one as much as I did the last!
Thanks for following along and loving on our little family! We are so thankful for this blessing.
Shop my Dress: Ingrid & Isabel
You look beautiful, mama!! Congratulations! I’m so excited for your little family. Charlie will be the cutest big brother. Looking forward to following along!!
you are too sweet! Thank you so much Britney!
YOU ARE GORGEOUS!!! #pregancygoals
SO happy for all of you! And cannot wait to meet baby #2 in February!
So excited for you and your sweet fam !!!! Love you all bunches !!!! Can’t wait to snuggle that sweet babe
Love you boo! <3
I just recently started following your blog and really enjoy it. My littles are 15 months apart and I’m expecting our third at Thanksgiving time. Our oldest two are such buddies and becoming such good playmates! It’s busy at first but syncing nap times and giving yourself a lot of grace (and coffee) make a big difference! Congratulations! You will love having littles close in age and so will they!
Thank you so much Kari! Thank you for following along and the helpful tips! I am 14 months older than my brother (and we have 3 after us) so we had so much chaos growing up and it was a blast! Congrats on your pregnancy! It’s such an exciting journey, right? Xoxo