Happy Tuesday from rainy Texas! I’m actually very grateful for the rain right now. We sure need it and since I’m stuck inside packing all day, it makes a great excuse to turn a movie or show on in the background! Are any of you watching The Bachelorette?
I think the show is ridiculous but that’s why I love it so much. The drama & suspense + all the spectacular places they visit. It gives me a travel itch for sure!
Here’s this week’s Tuesday Five:
You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do – Eleanor Roosevelt
Craving all the chocolate right now. Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Bites… Need I say more?
Summer shoe crushin’ an on all these neutral beauties
Round here – Counting Crows. A throwback to the 90’s and road trips with my family. One of my favorite bands of all time.
We were in Colorado over the weekend visiting my brothers and cousins and Charlie got to meet his cousin Bea. Seeing them play together was the most adorable thing. I think my favorite part of the weekend though was getting up to the mountains and doing a breezy hike with our crew. I just love that mountain air and the gorgeous views.
Have a great week!
the autumn girl tuesday five tuesday five