Now that Charlie is 8 months old and has been on at least 12 flights, I think I have a good grasp on how to travel with a baby. We’ve been very fortunate with our travels and ability to visit our families and take Charlie to neat places. But each and every trip has had me totally stressed out beforehand, wondering if I’ll remember everything I need for the baby, and whether or not he’ll have a melt down on the plane. (He has had his meltdowns. That is life. It’s okay).
But when you’re confined to a stuffy machine flying through air in a tight airport row with nowhere to go and people all around you, well- it can be very daunting. So here are my tips for what to bring and how to travel with your little one!
First, and foremost- have low expectations. I feel like you should just expect your baby to cry so if they do, you won’t sweat it as much, and if they don’t, you’ll be relieved. Most people are very kind (most people have had kids too!) so don’t worry too much about what everyone else is thinking. The person who cares most is you.
I have to admit, traveling in summer with lighter layers makes for less luggage which is why you only see this crew with one big suitcase. That’s right, our family fit the three of us in one, but to be honest, this is the first time. We generally have the big suitcase and a carry on (or two).
The first time we traveled with Charlie was when he was 8 weeks old for Thanksgiving. The main tip I received from all my mama friends was to try and feed him on takeoff and landing to avoid his ears popping. Not once did this scenario work out for me! It was hard to time perfectly. Luckily, we had zero problems. However, I highly recommend getting a window seat (area to lean against) and attempting to feed your child on the up and down anyway! Or having something to suck on. If it doesn’t work out exactly how you plan it, don’t sweat it.
THINGS TO PACK (babies all stages)
Birth Certificate or Shot Record
Place to Sleep: (we love our pack n play) Call ahead if you’re staying at a resort. They often will have one available for you!
Carseat (we also pack a carseat cover)
Baby Carrier (so many options but we love this)
Stroller (if you plan on walking around where you’re headed)
Wipes, Diapers, Plastic bags (for smell)
Food: whether it’s breastmilk, formula, or solids, you might want to even bring extra. I always have an empty bottle + parts and this formula dispenser). When I was nursing, I packed some frozen breastmilk in an insulated bag and had that as backup. Recently, a banana cinnamon puree saved the day.
Change of clothes (always have a spare in case of an accident!)
Eric and I have never brought our stroller on a trip with us. We have visited our families in winter months when there was no reason to take a walk outside. And when we went on our most recent trip to Florida, we didn’t see a reason to stroll around. We would be moving from the pool to the beach which was all right at our hotel. But many friends have traveled with a stroller at the airport and you can gate-check it! Just make sure it folds in half.
What we choose to do is take Charlie in our Ergo Baby 360 carrier and check his carseat. I didn’t want to have to take him out of a stroller or carseat at the security check so we just started traveling this way. We bought this carseat cover which makes it really easy to check your carseat and in colder months, we stuff our jackets into it too. I like carrying as little as possible since I’m already carting around a baby and a diaper bag (which starts to get heavy!). Highly recommend a backpack!
*A little note about a baby carrier- you cannot wear your baby in it on takeoff or landing… I did not know this the first time! It’s a FAA regulation. This is important because you might get comfortable with your baby snoozing on you and the flight attendant will come over and make you take it off! I shove mine behind my back as a cushion for a comfortable flight.
Pack ahead of time. I would make a checklist days before and start getting items organized ahead of time so I wouldn’t forget! It made my life so much easier.
Show Up Early. To the airport and to your gate. Don’t stress yourself out by not providing yourself enough time!
Bring toys or anything that soothes your baby. Charlie used to sleep the entire plane ride when he was a little baby (didn’t need a toy first 4 months), but now that he’s older, he wants to be entertained! Another reason I love getting a window seat is I can show Charlie what’s going on outside. He loves it.
Bring a blanket. It can be chilly on airplanes and a little one to snuggle your baby in is perfect for staying warm and handling any spit up!
Bring snacks and buy a water bottle! Not just for your baby, but for yourself too! :) I will drink some of the water and also fill a bottle with it.
Get a window seat. As I said before, it’s an extra place to lean and get comfortable and also, it gives you a little more privacy! Breastfeeding in public makes me very uncomfortable but Eric usually takes the middle seat and I would bring a cover, and it was fine! ** Note – I have only flown Southwest Airlines with Charlie so we do family boarding. I haven’t had a flight where I’ve booked a specific seat ahead of time but I hear people highly recommend that!
Take a deep breath! You’ll be just fine. And at your destination soon enough :)
Several blankets, a sound machine, crib sheet, bottle brush, and toys!
If there is anything I missed or you have any questions, leave them in the comments!
how to travel with a baby under one new mom travel tips for parents traveling with a baby