The above picture paints a perfect scenario of my three boys: Palmer resting wherever he can get comfortable on the bed (taking it down, of course); Charlie playing with his feet and rolling (he LOVES being on our soft mattress, so comfy); Bowie with a ball or in his mouth, always. I don’t think that last sentence was grammatically correct whatsoever, but you get the point, ya? ;)
Life is good in our house. C is sleeping through the night and has consistently for a month now. Even if our schedule gets messed up, we always get to bed around the same time and make it soundly through the night. Over the course of the last few weeks, I’ve learned to relinquish a little bit of control and just roll with each day. It’s helped me feel more relaxed and in turn, I think Charlie has become more easy going. The weather has been beautiful over here (which always helps my mood) and I’m celebrating my first successful run with C in the stroller… I finally feel like I can do just about everything again. It feels so damn good.
Not every day is perfect, but we sure make the most of them. I do my best to count my blessings each night before I fall asleep and take note of the moments and simple pleasures that bring joy to my life. There is so much to be thankful for. Currently on my happiness list:
Curious Charlie, holding his head up, eager to touch and explore.
Palmer and Bowie’s new haircuts.
Having the windows open in the house and them rolled down in the car.
Camel accents and stripes.
Mod Fitness.
Kickee Pants Onesies & Dressing up C.
My monthly planner and first cup of coffee.
The vibrant and fragrant new blooms all over Austin.
Jamming out to Maren Morris while I clean.
Exploring bedding at Pottery Barn.
Living in a place where spending time outside is so easy.
Trying new recipes.
Handwritten notes and clever cards.
Getting creative with the blog even though I’m totally out of content because it forces me to think outside the box and really have fun with photography/new concepts.
Reading reading reading.
My current 9pm bedtime.
Playing scrabble with E.
Creating to-do lists and crossing items off.
A freshly made bed and clean kitchen.
Outdoor voices leggings.
That clean scent of a perfectly soft-scrubbed bathroom.
The sound of rustling leaves.
Charlie leaning back his head so he can properly explore my face #thesweetest.
The excitement in our house from our dogs and Charlie went Eric gets home from work.
Almond butter and healthy snacks.
Literally staring at my baby as we play together and wondering how we could have created something so perfect.
My heart is full.
Thank you for stopping by and Happy Wednesday!