Alas, a New Year is upon us and with it, resolutions and plans to make the next year better than the last. 2017 was a wonderful year for us with the birth of our first baby, but for many, it was a struggle. There were lots of crazy things that happened all over the world with politics, terrorism, natural disasters, and national tragedies. These things put a lot of our own struggles and worries into perspective. I feel luckier than ever to have a healthy family and to be able to be home with my baby and do what I love daily: be a mama and a creative.
We had a lot of adventures in 2017. I found out the day before my 29th birthday that I was pregnant with C. I remember feeling totally shocked because I thought there was an issue with my body. I had just gotten an ultrasound that day to make sure everything was okay and it showed some cysts but no signs of baby. Only a few weeks later, he was visible, heart beating. It was the best news we had ever received.
In 2017 we took two ‘just us’ vacations to Jackson Hole and Santa Barbara. We knew our travels would be limited at the end of my pregnancy and beginning months with baby, so we made sure to go to two amazing, yet very different places. We got our mountain fix in Wyoming and beach fix in SB. It was the perfect way to celebrate becoming parents.
Other highlights from 2017 included seeing lots of family and friends and buying our first house! It was a great finish to my twenties and I’m looking forward to all that 2018 will bring. I thought I’d share our highlights as well as some of the most popular posts from TAG this year :)
Thank you for following along and supporting my musings and journey. Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
A weekend getaway to Phoenix with family :)
Announcing our pregnancy news!
Celebrating Baby Dunigan all summer long
Our weekend getaway to Jackson Hole
‘Babymooning’ in Santa Barbara
Enjoying the plethora of amazing visitors :)
Meeting our baby boy Charlie!
2017 favorite posts happy new year