Happy Friday Friends! How is your week going? I can’t believe I’ll be back in Chicago a week from today. December alway flies by. I had the best visit with my sisters last weekend and now I’m looking forward to last minute Christmas celebrations in Austin.
You guys, I feel like ‘the fog’ has lifted. Once Charlie turned 8 weeks and started sleeping long stretches, things changed over here. He’ll sleep nearly 10 hours (not every night, I promise!) and we’ll sneak over to his crib in the morning and he’ll just be chilling there, smiling to himself or inspecting the fan. I can’t take it- it’s seriously the cutest!
I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling more melancholic that usual about the year ending. 2017 was special for me for many reasons but mainly because I became a mom. I just don’t know how 2018 can top it but as I’ve learned since Charlie was born, each week gets better than the last. And I can’t wait to see my little guy hit all these milestones. I also found a new rhythm with my blog and feel like I’ve connected with so many of you on a more personal level and that’s been really fun :)
But 2018 will be a memorable year because we’ll be moving into a house and beginning a new chapter as a family. I absolutely cannot wait for that!
Here are a few of my favorite things right now… Have a great weekend!
Waking up in the morning to a lit tree and fresh coffee in my new favorite plaid monogram mug. Special thanks to E who makes sure to turn on all our Christmas lights and Frank Sinatra before I come downstairs in the morning :)
Admiring our tree and growing ornament collection. Not pictured: fence around tree to keep Bowie away from presents! Naughty puppy.
New booties I treated myself to on Black Friday. I love the design and low heel that makes life carrying a heavy carseat not so hard!
Our sweet doggie Palmer who has been the best big brother to C. Not pictured: Bowie, who was impossible to photograph yesterday…
The latest addition to my Cowboy Boot ornament collection ;)
Quality time spent with our visitors! (Sorry I didn’t get my camera out while you were here, Lo!) I can’t wait to head home to Chicago for Christmas.
friday favorites holiday mug monogram mug vince camuto booties
Aw so sweet! Last weekend was amazing, and I can’t wait for Christmas with the whole fam!
Really enjoyed the picts of Charlie and sisters. He’s changed so much and love his smile.