[…] posts I’ve written are about lessons I’ve learned, new life as a mom, and embracing happiness in whatever new direction it takes. And as it turns out, those posts have been your favorite […]

The last few weeks since Charlie entered the world have been the most challenging and rewarding ones of my life. I think any parent will tell you the same thing. I haven’t slept. I’ve been peed and pooped on. I’ve sobbed uncontrollably about a spilled casserole and have doubted my capabilities as a mom. I’ve stared at my husband and wondered how it is that us women have to go through SO much both physically and emotionally to bring life into this world when all they have to do is hold our hand through it and avoid saying I’m tired until further notice.
As hard as it’s been, it’s also been the best, most life-changing experience. I’ll battle through the sleepless nights for a healthy, growing baby. Charlie is absolutely amazing. I see both Eric and myself in him and wonder what he’ll be like in the future. I love his soft coos and smiles, though I know they are merely coincidental facial expressions at this young point in his life. He has already grown and changed so much since his birth and as much as I’m looking forward to his future milestones of longer stretches of sleep and holding up his own neck, I’m going to miss his teeny tiny size. It’s hard to describe the visceral joy his little hand wrapped around my finger brings me. Having Charlie has forced me to look at the world in a new way. I applaud all the mamas and papas out there and have a newfound appreciation for parenthood. I take back any judgment I’ve ever passed now that I understand what it means to give in, sometimes, to get through. We all do our best.
Through Charlie, I have found happiness in the most simple moments.
Right now happiness is…
a stretch of three and half hours of consecutive sleep…
snuggles & nap time on the couch…
fresh air and open windows on beautiful October mornings…
a hot shower and moment of silence…
date nights with my husband, just the two of us…
finding a binge worthy tv show… current favorite: Game of Thrones
having more than one cup of coffee a day, specifically Texas pecan…
the ‘Cozy, Calm Afternoon’ Amazon playlist… favorites include ‘In the Blood’ by John Mayer and ‘Live it Well’ by Switchfoot…
my husband telling me ‘you’re a great mom’ just when I need to hear it most…
the Latino sushi roll at Piranha Killer Sushi…
a large glass of red wine…
the clock turning to 7:30am and realizing I have survived another night…
walks down to Mozarts Coffee Roasters and blogging sessions on their outdoor patio…
champagne & girls nights…
much needed long afternoon naps…
getting a manicure…
the smell of newborn skin…
the feeling of accomplishment I get from getting out of the house and walking each dog individually with Charlie #doubletheexercise…
daily calls and texts with my sisters talking about everything and nothing all at the same time…
planning trips and reunions with family and friends…
infant clothes and my little boy’s growing wardrobe…
staring at my little boy, asleep or awake, and wondering how I got so lucky to be his mom…
driving with the windows down, music blaring, and singing Taylor Swift at the top of my lungs…#areyouReadyforIt?
Rocking and holding my baby just because.
Life is different these days, yes it is. Some days are hard and some are pure magic. One thing I know is that I can plan for every one of them to be different, and that I need to embrace the highs, work through the lows, and freeze time with my camera.
What is making you happy these days?
Beautiful, Meg! This post is giving me all the feels! I’m so happy for you, and this makes me so emotional as I approach my own due date with our little guy. I’ve read lots of posts from moms in the beginning stages, and I think your ups and downs are so typical of moms adjusting to newborn life. I loved the comparison you made at the start of this post between women going through so much compared to men… like, when my husband complains that his back hurts I always say, “Oh, is it because you’re eight months pregnant too? Oh, wait… you’re not.” :) But, at the end of the day I don’t think any of us would trade the incredible experience of carrying our child, not even for our husbands to understand the joys and difficulties. Thanks for sharing this!
I totally agree with you! I wouldn’t trade any of it! I’m so excited for your little one to get here and to hear your experience. I won’t lie- it’s not a walk in the park. But you’ll learn new tricks and get more comfortable each day! And his coos and smiles will fill you with the deepest of joys! YAY for #MAMAHOOD! xoxo
Beautifully said Meg!!! Xxxoooo
Thank you Kim! xoxo
So sweet, Meg! What a beautiful post! I’m not a mom so I can’t fully relate but I can imagine how special and life-changing this experience is. I love that you see happiness along with the tough moments.
Thanks Anita! It’s definitely the most wonderful crazy life change!