When you live in a warm climate like Texas where fall just doesn’t want to come when you want it to, you pump up the AC and decorate like Mother Nature is right there with you. The weekend before Charlie arrived, I was feeling super antsy, so when Eric suggested we get our house ready for guests by decorating for fall, I was ecstatic. A distraction & getting festive for my favorite season? PUHLEASE & THANK YOU.
Now I’m a minimal gal when it comes to decor. I don’t like to overdo it. Sometimes simple is best! When it comes to autumnal favorites, I like to grab a few small items like pumpkins and gourds and add them to little nooks around the house.
How fun is the knotted pumpkin above? While my parents were in town and helping out, they brought me some fall goodies after I was having a rough day. It made it all the better! I’m so easy- ha! (totally kidding, but fall really does give me all the heart eye feels)… But seriously, does that pumpkin say I’m ready for Halloween or what?! Now bring on the candy corn…
Over the years I’ve grown to love flowers. I had a hard time buying them in the past because I hate buying things that only last a short while. (It’s the same reason I rarely went out to eat in college– a new top or 3 trips to Chipotle? You tell me…) Now I get flowers sometimes at the grocery because they bring a smile to my face. And to have that simple pleasure while I sit at the kitchen table and look at them is worth it. The above were a gift in honor of Charlie’s’ arrival but let’s pretend I made that arrangement myself… Dream on!
When it comes to long term/reusable decoration, I love finding the perfect bouquet of faux flowers. If I can get multiple seasons out of them, all the better! I knew I wanted some form of florals to match our decor but was hesistant in picking out some cheaply made, tacky bunch. After perusing the aisles of Michaels, I found the perfect mix to fit in my favorite ceramic vase. We set this bouquet right on top of our little bar cart to give our nook a festive touch! I wish I could tell you what flower this is, but I’m no expert… any ideas?! (My bar cart sign is from Lizzy Loves Letters).
Another way I LOVE decorating is with candles. Ha! No surprises there. I have had a glass bowl for a long time that I love to use as a centerpiece. I pop a simple candle in there and surround it by items that match the season. For fall, I added some miniature pinecones. We have a larger vase that we keep year round on our coffee table and I decided to swap out the large pincones for some pretty gourds. It’s crazy that a food item can be such a beautiful decoration, huh?
Our new house broke ground last week and I can’t even tell you how excited I am about our new digs! Next year, anticipate me going all out for the holidays as we’ll have a bit more space to decorate :)
How do you get your home ready for the season?
I had to snap this picture of Bowie because he was so amused by me photographing all our pumpkins. Plus he looks so cute with his new haircut, don’t ya think?!
Keeping it short & sweet today. It’s absolutely gorgeous in Austin and I’m enjoying the windows open and a fresh breeze through the house! Here’s to a marvelous week!
** ALSO- I am creating a new series on the blog where I answer questions about me, my life, my family, and my musings! I would love to know what you’re interested in seeing on here and what questions you have for me! Please DM me on Instagram or email me at theautumngirlxo@gmail.com ;) Thanks for reading!
Austin Blogger fall decor fall decorating festive decor home decor