[…] the world at 5:26 am on Friday 9/29/2017. Little did I know that while writing my previous post Waiting for Baby, I was already in labor… No wonder I was […]

I am an impatient person by nature but I don’t think there has ever been a time in my life where I’ve been more anxious or impatient for something to happen. Without going into too much detail, I thought for sure I would have delivered my baby yesterday. All these signs have been there and some noticeable changes with my body. So much for my instincts! I kept getting this feeling. It’s happening today. So I laid low, hung out on the couch, watched way too much television, cleaned, and then sat some more. And nothing.
When I got up this morning I decided I could not do that again today. I could not be that person sitting on my couch waiting. I had to do something. So I got out of the house, walked the dogs, and grabbed lunch with a friend. And my, it was refreshing. I took a long nap when I returned home and now I’m jamming out to Sam Hunt while I take pictures and just admire our little nursery space. Why not? Right?
I haven’t said much about it, mostly because it’s been a huge process and because it’s going to take a long time, but Eric and I will be moving next spring into our very first house! We’re so excited! Right now we don’t have a current nursery for our little guy but we have this great loft space outside our bedroom that we are using as a pseudo nursery. It fits all the things we need and will be perfect for the time being. You’ve probably gathered that I LOVE giraffes and that the inspiration started with a picture of a stuffed giraffe standing watch over a crib. I then built a pinterest board for my nursery ideas and the giraffe theme blossomed. As you can see, we even have a wicker basket giraffe that’s currently housing several blankets but will eventually be a nook for toys. And yes it is sitting in our pack n play because #dogs….
Currently ‘Georgina’ is residing near our Rock n’ Play as she does not fit upstairs. But soon enough she will stand next to our crib and keep watch ;) Isn’t she pretty? I couldn’t resist keeping the bows on her.
Bowie is the perfect example of my current mood.
Look, I get it. I will never have this time to myself again. I know that I and I don’t want to be a whiner. I have done everything possible to embrace my ‘me’ time. I’ve enjoyed all my long walks, time at the pool, chances to get away to the nail salon, and all the errands I can run at the drop of a hat because I have the time to do it. I have slept as much as I possibly can and binged watched some awesome Netflix shows. I know how lucky I am! But I am so ready for this baby to be here. And now the waiting game has an expiration date because as Eric says, I cannot stop time, and he will be born any day now.
So thank you for letting me vent! And talk to you more about giraffes ;) Sigh… For those of you who have experienced this before, what did you do during your wait?
Check out some of my Nursery Favorites Here!
Stay tuned for exciting news! XO
favorite giraffe products giraffe themed nursery motherhood waiting for baby
I cannot wait to meet your little guy! While I waited, I cooked and froze a lot of food, and cleaned out my DVR. I knew I wouldn’t get a chance to watch much television! My advice is to download a lot of books to your reader – it helps to pass the time during those feeding and rocking sessions! My kindle saved my lfe!