Good Morning and Happy First Day of Autumn! Can you believe it’s here? You might not with the hot temperatures across the country but just knowing that today marks the start of my favorite season is enough for me. Because I know what’s coming. And I can take pictures of pumpkins, drink pumpkin spiced lattes, light pumpkin spiced candles, bake pumpkin recipes, and not feel weird at all for having my house decked out in fall decor. Which it actually is not right now as there is baby stuff EVERYWHERE. And lots of giraffes. But we’ll get to that.
On the first day of my favorite season, it’s easy to reflect on all the blessings in my life. I hit this wave of happiness during this time of year that lasts through Christmas. There is so much to celebrate and so many fun adventures ahead. Plus with a little baby due any time now (seriously Baby D, any time), life feels kind of surreal.
Here are a few things making me happy right now:
Sunflowers. I bought a bouquet almost 2 weeks ago and it’s still going strong on my dining table. They are so pretty and really just look like a ray of sunshine in my kitchen. I love it.
Friends and Family Near and Far. I can’t believe how many people (even those I haven’t talked to in ages) that have reached out to me in the past couple of weeks wishing me all the best with baby. It’s such a special time and I’m so grateful for all of those who have been checking in one me, cheering me on, and have been a savior on those days when things aren’t as easy. I appreciate all of you and love you so much!
Daily Walks along Town Lake. For those of you who know me, you know I’m a very active person who can’t sit still. And for those of you who know my husband, you realize a lot of his energy has rubbed off on me. I do a 3.5 mile walk daily on our local trail not only to get exercise for both me and the dogs, but also for my sanity. I never bring my phone (except until recently, don’t worry) so I can tune into nature and my own thoughts. Yesterday I did 2 loops (second without the dogs in the afternoon when it was really hot) so I could get 7 miles in and maybe convince this baby it’s go time, but no cigar. I just love this exercise and all the active people I see on the trail.
Giraffes. I saw a picture of a baby kissing a giant giraffe standing over his crib in his nursery and suddenly felt like I needed a giant giraffe like this in my life. It was precious! I decided to register for the same one (which has the longest lashes and looks way more feminine in person) and named her Georgina! I fell in love with her and my obsession began. Now I have giraffe passies, giraffe blankets, bibs, stuffed animals, toys- etc. It’s outrageous and I absolutely love it. Now hopefully my little man will too ;) Ha!
Austin Friends. Eric and I couldn’t have been luckier with the friends we have made in Austin through our Church and various activities. I never knew that this place could feel like home! It’s special knowing we have all these awesome people in our lives, especially when we live so far away from both our families. We’re so thankful.
Mom’s Group. I just joined a mom’s group at church that meets twice a month and have all sorts of activities planned for the year. There will be guest speakers, opportunities to volunteer, holiday activities, and a great group of women I’ll be getting to know as the year goes on. I’m pumped about the pumpkin patch photos coming up and excited to have this resource as I start this journey of motherhood.
A Christmas Carol. PSA guys- the best show of the year begins in November and I already got my tickets! I might as well be a spokesperson for Zach Theater because I can’t stop telling people they need to get their tickets to A Christmas Carol. It’s unlike any other version I’ve seen. It’s a musical with the traditional story and 19th century garb, but with a modern take on music. It took every part of my being as a volunteer last year not to stand up and start dancing (like everybody else). My sisters will be here for it this year and I’m so giddy with excitement. For anyone who lives in Austin, I highly recommend!
‘Italian Cooking’ Pandora Station. Just try it guys. Light a candle. Pick a recipe. Open a bottle of wine if you please. Cook with your significant other. It’s so relaxing.
My doggies. Who knew two high energy furballs could be so uplifting? Everyone tells me they’ll fall to the wayside when a child comes into my life. And I know they won’t be my first priority anymore but they certainly won’t be unimportant. I’m one of those people who talks to their dogs like they understand me and never feels alone when I am with them. They make me happy. So cheers to you Palmer & Bowie!
Husband. Without sounding like a total sap, I have been more grateful than ever for Eric these days. He handles things I don’t want to like solving insurance issues and figuring out what kind of light fixtures we want in our future house. He is constantly checking in on me to see how I’m feeling. And I continue to be more amazed by his attention to detail and ability to read me, sometimes better than I can read myself. I am so thankful for such an awesome life partner! He’s going to be a great dad.
That’s it for now. My happiness list goes on and on. Wishing you the best start to the best season! I hope cooler days and lots of pumpkin filled things are ahead.
Cheers to you and thanks for reading! XO
Austin Blogger autumn happiness happiness series sunflowers