I have to admit that one of the most overwhelming parts of preparing for a baby (among many other, yet very exciting things) is planning a registry. I don’t know about you, but when Eric and I got married, we at least had an idea of what items we needed like wine glasses, cooking appliances, dining ware, and the likes. With a baby, we felt totally clueless. Thank goodness for the plethora of people surrounding us with plenty of helpful ideas.
You might have thought you received a ton of advice for planning your wedding. But you probably can’t imagine how many different ideas and opinions you’ll get when it comes to having and raising a baby. SO many people have offered us insightful tips (most all of them totally solicited), but at the end of the day, opinions are different. For us, the best way to start our registry was to do a walk through at Buy Buy Baby with a registry consultant.
Buy Buy Baby was the first spot I thought of, but there are plenty of great places to register like Amazon, Babys R Us, Land of Nod, Pottery Barn Kids, to name a few. I liked having Buy Buy Baby as our starting point because so many of our friends had also registered there.
Getting a consultation is totally free. I highly recommend calling ahead and setting up an appointment and someone will meet you and literally walk you through the whole store. We spent an hour and a half with our gal and I was so amazed by all the things we might need that I hadn’t thought of.
Now you don’t have to go into a store and do a consultation if you don’t want to. You can simply start one at home online. It’s so easy. And if you’re in doubt of some products, go ahead and research some of your friends picks for their own. You can simply hit “add to my registry” and those items will appear on yours too.
After starting a registry, Eric and I returned home to re-evaluate all of our choices. A consultant obviously will pitch as many products as possible to you, right? They want you to buy from them. However, Eric and I decided to hop on consumer reports to find real people’s experiences with various products. We narrowed down the big things like a car seat, crib, stroller, and high chair and then selected many of those products and began other registries.
The most helpful information we found for registering for a baby was from Lucie’s List. This might actually be the best place to start. Lucie’s List is an online blog by a fellow mother who has researched many products and sends out weekly newsletters. You can find information under every department baby related you can think of! For new time moms, this list is exceptionally helpful. I highly recommend it.
After thorough research and discovering a few products we just loved, Eric and I finally finished our registries. It wasn’t an overnight process, I promise you. Major shout out to my cute husband for doing the majority of the work. Research is his forte, not mine ;)
Here are some baby products I am currently swooning over :) Does anyone else have an obsession with baby shoes?! Ahhhhh. I can’t handle it.
baby boy clothes baby products fall baby how to start a baby registry lucies list what products do I need for my baby? where do I register for my baby? baby boy