I woke up this morning with an overwhelming sense of calmness and gratitude. I’m not sure if it was the restful sleep I got last night or the uninterrupted day of relaxation I spent with E yesterday, but I’m feeling refreshed, re-energized, and ready for March.
After a what felt like a long February of being under the weather and exhausted, I’m finally starting to feel like myself again and it is such a relief. You know that feeling when you get back into your routine again after a series of set backs or distractions? Yeah, it’s a pretty good one, isn’t it…
So I’ve been thinking about all the little tiny things in my life that get me excited or giddy and it brought me back to my favorite happiness series. My bliss lists. You wouldn’t believe how easy it is for me to spring out of bed to make my favorite avocado toast breakfast, lightly salted, with eggs fried over easy. Some things just get our day started perfectly, don’t they?
Like a good cup of coffee… Yep, that’s another morning routine I live for. Nothing says me time like the smell of coffee beans and that first sip of my morning brew. Coffee during the week means alone time in the kitchen, writing, prepping for the day, and gathering my thoughts. Coffee on the weekends is a family ritual. Either it’s Eric brewing us french press style while we cook breakfast or its a memory of sitting on the porch at my parents house enjoying the glorious Chicago summer weather. Regardless of week or weekend, it always means a fresh start.
We went out with friends Saturday night and enjoyed ourselves so much that we lost track of time. I don’t remember the last time I’ve done that. I didn’t look at my phone once over the course of 6 hours and I realized how awesome it is to disconnect from the outside world every once in a while. I didn’t even realize how exhausted I was until the next day. But it was worth it. To find couples that both Eric and I enjoy equally is really awesome. Good friends and thoughtful conversations make for wonderful evenings.
You know what makes for wonderful afternoons? Quick runs in 80 degree February weather listening to Sia. Yep, I had to get out and enjoy the gorgeous winter day and sweat off some unnecessary stress. There’s something about a good sweat sesh and rise of my heart beat that really calm me down and reset my attitude. And let me remember my little intricate moments of happiness… :)
Current favorites:
A bubble bath and the relaxing sound of water running from the faucet and filling the tub
A glass of red wine after a productive day
Morning light and Adele Pandora
Dainty floral dresses
Walton’s Fancy & Staple “Turkey Sweet” sandwich
Fresh tulips in mason jar vases
Date nights with E
Sterling silver picture frames
Throw pillows and blankets
Cozying up on the couch with E… current show: The People vs. OJ Simpson
Homemade banana bread
Dancing in the kitchen while I clean
Block 415 Cabernet
Patio weather before bug season
The scent of Aloha Orchid candles
The Bachelor #noshame …
Handwritten cards & notes
Fuzzy socks
A detailed planner
Crawling into bed after a long day with a good book :)
Enjoy your day friends. Xxx
happiness series live the little things relaxation the happy now
Wow this made me feel relaxed just reading it! Love your Happiness Series :)