Anyone who knows me is well aware of my love for fall, the holidays, wearing dresses, singing in the car, and of course, the one & only Taylor Swift. Last spring we found out that Taylor would be coming to Austin to perform at Formula 1 and that it would be her ONLY show in 2016. Several deep breaths and minor heart palpitations later, I was able to process this information and Eric came home announcing he bought tickets. Best day ever? Best husband for sure.
Now with the exception of one summer several years ago, I’m not really a concert goer. I love my music, don’t get me wrong. I can’t seem to drive anywhere or run without blasting a tune. I have my favorite artists, pandora stations for simple tasks like cleaning or relaxing, songs that give me all the feels when I am exercising, and tunes that are necessary for road trips or cooking. I am just not drawn to concerts. Crowds give me a lot of anxiety and I don’t like traffic which is practically unavoidable at big festivals. However, despite the crowd of 80,000 people expected to see T, I knew I HAD to be one of them.
Last minute my sisters were able to make the trip down to ATX to visit us and attend the show. I was so excited to have yet another quality weekend with them :) We did some of my favorite October festivities of prancing around a pumpkin patch and dressing up fall, and I was so happy to just sit, talk, and relax with them.
We left for the concert at 5:30 and enjoyed a short tailgate in the parking lot before heading to the show. There was no opener and Taylor started about 20 minutes after the stated start time. We were totally surprised! Wow, she’s onstage- RIGHTNOW. THERE SHE IS. She opened with New Romantics which immediately got the crowd rocking out.
I don’t know about you, but I know the words to 99% of Taylor Swift’s songs. I love everything from her country to her pop and all of her experiments in between. I also love her values, what she stands for, and how she is such a great role model for young girls. Not only is she an extraordinary talent, but she’s also very real. And funny. This next video captures it well :)
I recorded only a few songs because I wanted to just rock out and enjoy the show but also because my phone ran out of room. Truth. So when Shake It Off, Blank Space, and Wildest Dreams came on, I simply had to dance. Like a maniac… #sorrynotsorry ;) #swiftie
However, I did catch a good segment of Taylor singing Fifteen and I just love the lyrics and honesty of this song.
She closed down the night with Out of the Woods and literally knocked it out of the woods… I wouldn’t be surprised if she chose that song intentionally ;) I feel so grateful to have been able to attend the concert and with such excellent tickets! Who knows if I’ll be able to do that again. Thank you Eric for coordinating the weekend and to my sisters for coming all the way to Austin to share the moment with us! :) It was everything.
What’s your favorite Taylor Swift song?
concert happiness music sister adventures swifties taylor swift
Shake It Off is my favorite for sure, it makes me wanna shake my tush haha and ditto on not being a huge fan of concerts or music festivals, I can’t, for the life of me, do portable restrooms, they gross me out so much! Maybe if I can do VIP at ACL I’ll go someday haha
Xo, Nicole
Haha you crack me up! Totally agree!
I love Taylor Swift! I love her music, her strength and independence, and that she is really such a good person. I feel like every time I look at the news, she has met someone or donated a million dollars to this relief fund or that benefit. We need role models like her for our babies for sure.
Right?! I love her so much! How good were those videos?! :)
I love that she totally blew her nose! We could be besties no problem!