ONE YEAR ONE YEAR. It’s been ONE YEAR of the Autumn Girl?!
Today is a very special day for me. Just one year ago I launched my very first blog post on The Autumn Girl. It wasn’t very organized or thought out. I didn’t make an introduction to my blog or my goals. I just started writing. And a few weeks later I let the world know through Instagram. In one year, so much has happened and changed and evolved with The Autumn Girl and it’s been quite an adventurous journey. I’ve found a new world of writing and creativity. I’ve met tons of really neat people in Austin and made new friends. I discovered I could make a little money with my blog and I’ve received some really cool free products. I’ve learned how to do a bit of HTML and how to brand myself. I’ve learned what it was like to expose my thoughts and feelings in a public forum. And I found a new creative passion.
It’s funny, I’ve always wanted to tell stories and write, but every little tale I’ve told has been a short one. There was that illustrated story circa 1998 about Shorty Caldwell the mouse that lived in a tree with his family. There was that tale (my first one!) of Max and Santa’s brother who lived in the mountains of Colorado which I typed on the first laptop we had in school back in 4th grade. I remember sitting in my brother’s top bunk eagerly typing my Christmas inspired story :) I wrote plays from middle school through high school and I’ve always enjoyed the magic of a good story. I’ve thought about how cool it would be to write a book but the idea of all the research and the many hours typing away terrifies me. I have developed a very short attention span so even writing posts for this blog takes me a bit of time. I have to circle back to finish my thoughts. Maybe some day I’ll get around to writing a book or a really neat story. But for now, I’m enjoying this particular creative outlet as it suits my short & sweet style.
The best part about blogging is that I’ve been able to merge my love for writing with my love for photography. And all those fun hobbies of travel, fashion, and beauty tips are all woven into it. It’s so much fun.
In this next year I hope to develop relationships with travel based companies and possibly do a sponsored travel post or two. It’s a bit of a stretch goal but one I’m going to make regardless. Dream big, right? I love the opportunities I have had and I’m looking forward to working with more brands. I hope to inspire more people with the happiness series, a practice I have done since I was a little girl. And I hope to continue to learn, keep writing, and most importantly, love the whole process.
I’m going to leave you with my favorite Autumn soundtrack by George Winston because I’m currently in Youngstown, Ohio where its cool and cozy and I’m off to enjoy fall where it’s already happening. Excuse me while I go grab my coat ;) Have a great weekend!
autumn autumn memories blogiversary fall one year anniversary The Autumn Girl
Congrats on one year! I just hit mine last month, it is such huge accomplishment, and it is so cool to look back and see where you came from!
Congratulations!! I am still checking in every couple of days! Loving your posts– looking forward to another year!