Sisters weekend came and went before I could blink my eyes. I remember planning it a few months ago and feeling like it was forever away. Group texts went out quite frequently discussing our anticipation and plans. Lots of emojis and !!!!! were involved. Lili was here for nearly a week and it still felt like a breeze, even with several rainy days and lots of down time.
Sometimes I want to take moments and freeze them (one reason I take SO many pictures). The older I get, the faster time seems to move. I swear Christmas was yesterday and I was planning all my 2016 adventures. I can remember a snow storm in Chicago and reading a book while curled up by the fire under a heavy blanket. And then blink, the school year ended and summer break & the Texas heat began.
Being the oldest of five and not quite eight years older than my youngest sibling, I’ve always been super tight with my family. Our brothers were invited last weekend but Sam couldn’t make it because of work and Joe is broke… He’s a college student, what can I say?
So a sister weekend it became. Eric traveled to Vegas for a bachelor party and us girls had a few days of quality time, just the three of us.
Brit flew in Wednesday and we spent time writing, getting mani/pedis, and playing with the pups. A huge lightning storm rolled in Thursday night and she and I sat on the porch before the rain fell and sipped wine while enjoying the ominous views. I felt nostalgia for the days on our screened in porch in Winnetka, watching storms come in, curled up in rocking chairs under blankets, watching… Waiting. A light breeze would pick up speed and a strong wind would whip the trees as the sky fell open. The heavy patter of rainfall on the roof and rolling sound of thunder brought me a feeling of awe; a moment of wonder.
The weather cleared up for Lo’s arrival on Friday but her flight was delayed several hours. So Brit and I meandered around downtown, ate at Piranha Killer Sushi (OMG the Latino roll) and visited a few shops before picking Lili up at 10. We came home, chatted, and went to bed, eager for our Saturday adventures.
The day began with delicious French Pressed coffee & avocado bacon egg tacos. We took the dogs on a four and a half mile walk down to the park and prepared for the extreme humidity by sporting our work out essentials. Hothothot in so many ways… (ha! totally kidding… but only kinda… ;)
We have a friend who has been raving about Fall Creek Vineyard so we ventured out to Driftwood for a tasting. I’m so accustomed to visiting Duchman Family Winery because its so picture worthy! But I thought, new place, why not? And ohmy what an amazing decision! Fall Creek was breathtaking and I felt like we were in Napa! With a gorgeous patio and a view of wildflowers below, we were on cloud wine as we sipped our tasting. Not to mention, their wine wasn’t expensive! It turned out to be a budget friendly excursion and probably our favorite part of the weekend.
We ate at Launderette that evening. I was pumped to try a new restaurant and I’ve heard wonderful reviews! We each ordered a burger and shared crab toast as an app. It was sensaaaational. But teeny tiny. We each got about a bite and a half. So if you’re ever dining there, make sure to order more than one! Their burgers were the cheapest meal on the menu but insanely delicious. Another budget friendly find! Although I will mention that the rest of the menu was pretty expensive… But these sisters, we budget well ;)
After dinner we went to Rainey Street and visited Lucille & Bangers, two of my favorite bars on Rainey. From there we walked to 6th street to enjoy Pete’s Dueling Piano Bar! I love that place. Live music, talented musicians jamming on the piano, and lots of people watching provided excellent entertainment for my visitors. We had a ball singing and dancing in our seats. From Pete’s, we walked all the way to west 6th (in wedges, mind you… holy blisters… holy-im-too-cheap-too-pay-for-another-ride-sorry-sisters). But we just wanted to daaaaance. So the Ranch (empty dance floor, cause you know… we got there at 9…) it was. We were in bed by 10:30 and ready to take on Sunday…
Rain greeted us in the morning so we sipped our coffees and planned more of our Europe trip. Our first stop is London! If you’ve been an avid Autumn Girl reader, you know Harry Potter is my spirit animal. I received the first book for Christmas when I was 8 and yes, I love to brag that I was one of the first people to read it. Well one of the first several thousand, anyway. We have big plans for a Harry Potter tour and I’m eager to check out Platform 9 3/4 and take way too many pictures. And channel my inner Gryffindor. After a few days in London, we fly to Florence! I’m so excited for this adventure with Brit & Lili! Might be a ‘once in a lifetime’ trip… I can’t wait.
Alright, back to #sistersweekend. Eric returned Sunday afternoon and we all went to Greenlight Social, a new rooftop bar downtown, for their grand opening party. Who doesn’t love a rooftop on a beautiful sunny day? It was a ton of fun and we grilled burgers at our friend’s house afterwards.
Monday morning was another favorite memory from the weekend. I was invited to a blogger meet up at Mozarts Coffee and was so happy to bring my sisters along to get a glimpse of my blogging world. We sipped coffee, chatted with bloggers, learned a little more about photography, and ate the most delicious macaroons. Brit just started an Instagram account as a creative outlet to share a little bit about being a twenty something in grad school. Its @coffeespoonsafternoons (give her some love!) I was happy to show her the ropes and demonstrate how I take pictures. Here’s insight to behind the scenes of a blogger ;)
Had to get that perfect shot of the macaroon! For more pictures from our meet up with Beckley & Co, check out their blog post here. Such fun and creative girls– we loved them!
Brit left Monday afternoon and Lili and I a couple of days together before her departure. We spent a rainy Tuesday seeing “Nice Guys” in theater… So funny but beyond dumb… And Wednesday we took a long walk and hit up the pool. We finished our delightful week with a Happy Hour on the water at Abel’s on the Lake. Half priced oysters and sliders? And champs & Shock Top? Perfect ending to a wonderful vacay. Sisters, can we rewind?!
Well, here we are, weekend ready again. I’m excited to do a whole lot of nothing. Have a great one!
adventure austin driftwood fall creek vineyard happiness life sisters weekend visit austin wine tasting