Happiness is…
…patio weather
…finally framing my favorite photos from our honeymoon
…a wild and thundering storm when I have a moment to sit down and take it in
…alone time
…packing all the right things for my vacation aka the ‘perfect suitcase’
…a good hair day
…finding a little cash in a drawer or pocket
…70 degrees and sunshine
…discovering new & easy recipes
…statistics that say dark chocolate & red wine have their health benefits #iliveforthesefacts
…the ‘Classic’ burger with bacon at Hopdoddy
…feeling like you’ve written something meaningful
…strappy sandals & wedges
…the feeling of an effortless golf swing
…planning travel & adventures with E or friends or family
…10,000 Maniacs Pandora Station
…a sudden overwhelming sense of inspiration (that usually takes place while walking the dogs or on a run)
…bonding over an understood moment
…peanut butter & everything
…live music
…tulips & champagne
…miniature boquets
…wedding pictures
…Chicago Summers
…Mother Nature’s Beauty
bliss happiness happy list moments