We spent last weekend in Colorado skiing up in Keystone with my brother Sam, my cousin Ellie and her husband Nick, my sister Brit and her boyfriend Jared, and another cousin- Charlie. We shared an Air B&B and spent our evenings playing cards against humanity, sipping wine, and bonding while the snow fell around us and we were surrounded in a cozy winter wonderland. It was everything and more. I could not ask for a better way to celebrate my 28th birthday.
Getting a mountain fix once a year is so refreshing. I know I’m lucky to be able to do it. As much as I love these mild winters in Austin, I love a chance to experience snow and all its glory once in a while. I’ve been able to do that 3 times since Christmas and I’m done for the year, but it was spectacular. Magical really.
I have this odd sensation that I’m coming home when I travel to Colorado. Like its where I have always belonged. I’ve never lived there, but my brother is out there and I always had family there growing up. I’ve been many times since I was a kid and I just have this feeling when I’m in the mountains. It’s totally blissful. Like I’m where I’m supposed to be.
Eric and I have travelled to CO quite a few times in the past several years. It’s such an easy (and relatively inexpensive) flight from both Austin and Chicago. I’m thinking of planning our next sibling weekend in Denver this summer. It’s just so easy.
If I had to pick a favorite part of our weekend skiing, I’d pick that moment when I hit the fresh powder on Sunday with just my brother and sister and we sliced through that mountain with everything we had. I felt such a rush to go at my full speed, in my best form, fighting the sharp ticks of ice nicking my face as we blazed down the runs. It was sensational.
My other favorite moment was our dinner at Kickapoo Saturday night followed by the arrival of Brit and Jared and an epic game of Cards Against Humanity. I just love being with family.
Here are some pictures from our trip! Enjoy & have a lovely weekend :)
a basin fresh powder keystone mountains ski weekend skiing travel
Loved reading about your Colorado adventure! Love the picture of you and Eric that would make a great Christmas card next year! Miss you sweet girl! Love mama K