Today’s post is inspired by our second pup turning one today. I don’t know if you’re a huge dog person like I am, but our two dogs make me so happy. Palmer and Bowie are cockapoos and I practically think of them as my children.
Eric and I got Palmer three and a half years ago. He was a little devil the first week but he was potty trained in two and ever since then, has been the sweetest, easiest dog ever. He gets a little excited when guests come over, but other than that we have no complaints.
After a half a year in Austin, Eric and I thought it might be fun to get a second dog and have a playmate for Palmer. We didn’t realize that having two male dogs in the house could create quite an aggression for both as they worked to establish dominance. And for us, a bit of a headache. Bowie is not the same dog as Palmer. In fact, he’s quite different. He reminds me of Marley from ‘Marley and Me’… adorable, but ALWAYS in trouble.
Palmer was not pleased with the new family member but I can say now that they act like brothers. Playful, yet protective of each other. Now that Bowie’s a year old, things have calmed down a little bit over here. Okay, KINDA. I can turn my head away for at least 10 minutes without Bowie destroying something… Maybe 20 if it’s a good day ;)
You’re not envying me right now, are you? Bowie is getting better! I’M the one who needs to remember to shut doors and put things away…
Every once in a while, I’ll catch P&B snuggling together. It’s pretty cute. And seeing them in action at the park and with one another is worth every bit of work.
Dogs really are a human’s best friend. They’re naturally happy creatures who can make tough day a bit better just by being there. And by being fuzzy and adorable and loving you no matter what.
We love these guys so much! Here are some pics of ‘our boyyyyys’- our ‘sTinky buTTs’…Enjoy :)