Can you believe it’s already November? I began this rainy, chilly morning with George Winston (of course!), a cup of coffee, and a moment to myself. Cozy, just how I like it. I had a decent night of sleep last night (hooray!) and a baby who woke up with a smile on his face. He’s now asleep in his swing and letting me have a chance to start the day how I like to– with a warm breakfast and chance to write! I’m one happy mama.
I’m so excited to share our newborn shoot with the one & only Eff Jay Photography today :) I can’t believe our precious baby is already 1 month (and 3 days) old! These picture were taken at 15 days and I’m amazed by how much he has already changed and grown. He is alert and focused, lifting his head, and has more hair coming in. He loves mornings like his mama and wakes up ready to play. He loves being snuggled up tight, walks in the stroller, and focusing on ceiling fans. We love our little man so much!
Month one was definitely a challenge, I won’t lie. Once I got the hang of one thing or found a routine, it would change. There were countless sleepless nights and many napless days. But my, every second of it worth the amazing little boy that’s entered our lives. We love you, Charlie!
holiday card motherhood newborn photography newborn shoot the holidays
What beautiful pictures!!!!
Thank you Aunt Brita!
SO sweet! Love the black and white images especially and love that you included the dogs. Can’t believe he’s already a month old!!
Thank you Britney!
Superb pictures ;)