Dear Eric,
Can you believe we are already celebrating 3 years of marriage? Where has the time gone?! It seems like yesterday we were strolling the streets of Chicago and living the twenty something city life. Now we have been in Austin for three years with two dogs, and just brought a little baby into the world. Time has slowed down for us but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
I remember vividly each moment of our wedding day like it was yesterday. And as I look back on all our photos from our special day, I am filled with all the happy memories of the greatest life journey we began together. And eager anticipation of the adventure we still have ahead of us.
We are known to go big when it comes to celebrating and I’ve loved every minute traveling the world and laughing through life with you. From strolling the art galleries on Canyon road in Santa Fe two Octobers ago to enjoying the swirling fall color in Vermont last year, we’ve sure made each anniversary special. This year might look different than previous years, but what better way to begin this next one than by embarking on a new adventure and starting a family? We have been given the greatest blessing and I’m so excited to do parenthood with you.
I remember briefly meeting you in college when you had come over to Brickhouse where I was visiting friends. You were sitting on the couch with a beer in hand chatting away with all the girls like you had known them your whole life. I was intrigued by your self confidence and even a bit intimidated. But after we reconnected years later, I found it to be the most attractive thing about you. You are fearless. You can connect to anyone. You light up in social settings. And you remember every detail of the conversations you have with people because you listen. Do you know how rare it is to find a guy with your listening skills? I feel like I can talk to you about anything and even if you don’t understand what I am saying, you do everything you can to try to. You believe in me, push me to be the best I can be, and I love you for that.
You are an amazing dad already, just as I knew you would be. Seeing you interact with Charlie is the most special thing in the world. I know you can’t wait for him to smile and grow a little older so you can connect with him more, but let’s be honest, you love staring at him sleep all day like I do.
You are the greatest thing to happen to me Eric, and I am so happy to call you my husband. Your thoughtfulness, drive, work ethic, charisma, and social skills are only a few of the many qualities I hope Charlie adopts from you.
I am the luckiest girl in the world to be your wife. So here’s to 3 years and forever with you. I’m excited to eat at home with our little family tonight. Happy Anniversary E!
I love you!
*photos by Ben Elsass Photography
3 year anniversary a letter to my husband marriage october wedding wedding day
Congrats you two – Remember your day so fondly! Congrats on the new addition too!